
Australia politics

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The Importance of Augmenting AUKUS

The Importance of Augmenting AUKUS

By Melissa Conley Tyler and Grant Wyeth
Australia needs all the tools of statecraft it can muster, especially diplomacy.
The Real Shift in Australian Politics

The Real Shift in Australian Politics

By Grant Wyeth
If Australia’s Liberal Party is in decline, does this mean that the Labor Party is in ascendency?

Is Australia’s Liberal Party in Terminal Decline?

Is Australia’s Liberal Party in Terminal Decline?

By Grant Wyeth
What saves political parties is their ability to adapt, but the aggressive populism that has saved conservative parties elsewhere has limited appeal in Australia.

Detangling Semantics: Has Australia Really Been ‘Hawkish’ on China?

Detangling Semantics: Has Australia Really Been ‘Hawkish’ on China?

By Grant Wyeth
To resist bullying is only “hawkish” if you sympathize with the bullies.

The Power of Australia’s Pleasantly Boring Politics

The Power of Australia’s Pleasantly Boring Politics

By Grant Wyeth
It turns out the protection of liberal democracy doesn't need to be passionate and stirring; it may instead just need to be temperate and competent. 
Australian PM Defends Ban on Parliament Due to Royal’s Death

Australian PM Defends Ban on Parliament Due to Royal’s Death

By Rod McGuirk
Albanese wants an Australian president to replace the British monarch as the nation’s head of state. But he has brushed off questions about creating an Australian republic since the queen’s death.

With Secret Self-Appointments, Morrison Torched Australia’s Democracy

With Secret Self-Appointments, Morrison Torched Australia’s Democracy

By Patricia O’Brien
The wider reckoning about Morrison’s misdeeds, and how he came to rise to the heights of power in the first place, is going to be deeply uncomfortable.
Former Australia PM Says Secret Powers Were Needed in Crisis

Former Australia PM Says Secret Powers Were Needed in Crisis

By Associated Press
While serving as prime minister, Scott Morrison also secretly appointed himself to five ministerial roles – without telling even the existing ministers.

Why Fixing Australia’s Housing Crisis Should Be a National Priority

Why Fixing Australia’s Housing Crisis Should Be a National Priority

By Grant Wyeth
Sydney has the second least affordable housing market in the world, and it’s not much better elsewhere in the country.

Queensland: A Political Conundrum 

Queensland: A Political Conundrum 

By Grant Wyeth
What explains Queensland's unique -- and divergent -- political choices at the state and federal levels?

The Real Power of Preferential Voting in Australia

The Real Power of Preferential Voting in Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Preferential voting has been harnessed effectively to create a change that invested actors – in major political parties and the media – find disconcerting.
Australian Prime Minister Calls Election for May 21

Australian Prime Minister Calls Election for May 21

By Rod McGuirk
Morrison's Liberal Party-led coalition is behind in most opinion polls, but many analysts predict a tight result.

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