
Australia-Solomon Islands relations

With New Agreements, Australia Confirms Its Pacific Ties

With New Agreements, Australia Confirms Its Pacific Ties

By Grant Wyeth
A treaty, a security agreement, and a new rugby team are significant wins for Australia in its quest to remain the dominant influence in the Pacific region.
Solomon Islands PM Manele’s Foreign Visits: More Than a Mere Balancing Act

Solomon Islands PM Manele’s Foreign Visits: More Than a Mere Balancing Act

By Cherry Hitkari
Jeremiah Manele's visits to Australia and China highlight his pressing domestic challenges – and outside powers' longstanding policy failures toward the region.

Solomon Islands’ New Government: A Chance to Reset Australia’s Pacific Diplomacy

Solomon Islands’ New Government: A Chance to Reset Australia’s Pacific Diplomacy

By Corey Lee Bell
The island nation is far from alone in adopting a “look north” policy. It's time for Canberra to take a long, hard look at why.

Pacific Island Countries’ Seesawing Security Diplomacy 

Pacific Island Countries’ Seesawing Security Diplomacy 

By Corey Lee Bell
Security cooperation with China and Australia is far from a zero-sum game.

Can China Deliver What Solomon Islands Wants?

Can China Deliver What Solomon Islands Wants?

By Dechlan Brennan
As Honiara denies its new security pact with China poses a threat to the Pacific, it would behoove the West to consider what it is the Solomons want and need from their partners.
Revisiting RAMSI’s ‘Success Story’

Revisiting RAMSI’s ‘Success Story’

By Anouk Ride
In disarmament and quelling immediate violence, RAMSI was a success. Its state-building efforts, however, are more controversial.

Australia-China Relations: The Outlook for 2023

Australia-China Relations: The Outlook for 2023

By Corey Lee Bell and Elena Collinson
Despite the current détente, five major issues may place further strain on the Australia-China relationship next year.
In Solomon Islands, Sogavare Plays China off the West

In Solomon Islands, Sogavare Plays China off the West

By Grant Wyeth
In playing China off against Australia and other allies Sogavare is engaged in a fairly rational game of maximizing the number of resources Solomon Islands can secure.

Chinese Company Eyes Solomon Islands Deep-water Port

Chinese Company Eyes Solomon Islands Deep-water Port

By Rod McGuirk
A Chinese delegation visited the plantation that covers most of Kolombangar Island in 2019, asking questions about the length of the wharf and depth of the water.

Foreign Intervention Complicates Solomon Islands Unrest

Foreign Intervention Complicates Solomon Islands Unrest

By Cleo Paskal
The problem was sparked by perceived CCP interference. It can’t be solved by Australia taking a similarly heavy hand.

Is China to Blame for Solomon Islands Unrest?

Is China to Blame for Solomon Islands Unrest?

By Rod McGuirk
Resentment against Chinese business people is longstanding and has fueled violence in Honiara’s Chinatown.
Australia Sending Troops to Solomon Islands as Unrest Grows

Australia Sending Troops to Solomon Islands as Unrest Grows

By David Rising and Rod McGuirk
Sogavare’s decision to switch diplomatic ties from Taiwan to China is among the reasons for the current unrest in Solomon Islands.

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