Australian Foreign Policy

Oceania’s Place in Australia’s New Foreign Policy White Paper
By Grant Wyeth
Importantly, the paper dedicated a chapter to Australia’s role within the Pacific.

Take Note: Asia's 'Quad' Is Back
By Harsh V. Pant
Cooperation between the United States, Japan, Australia, and India is here to stay.

A Stronger Australia in Southeast Asia?
By Luke Hunt
Concerning regional developments have put Canberra’s role in the spotlight.

Is It Time Australia Pursued An ‘Independent’ Foreign Policy?
By Anthony Dodd
If Asia’s future is to be led by China, Australia may need to balance out its U.S.-centric foreign policy.

Where Do Australia-China Ties Go in the Trump Era?
By Grant Wyeth
Wang Yi's trip to Australia shows ever-closer ties between the two countries.

South Asian Strategic Stability and Pakistan's Babur-3 Submarine-Launched Cruise Missile
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Will Pakistan's new submarine-launched cruise missile bolster or harm strategic stability?

Australia and the Crown
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Australia's debate on becoming a republic continues to rage on.

From Phosphate Mining to Detention Centers: Nauru’s Destructive Fixes
By Grant Wyeth
The brutal irony is that without the current presence of displaced persons, Nauruans may become displaced themselves.

What Is a Green Foreign Policy?
By Helen Clark
As Australia goes to the polls, what is the foreign policy platform of the Greens?

Australia Needs Soft Power as Asia’s Strategic Balances Shift
By Benjamin T. Jones
It is time Canberra took soft power seriously.

How Australia Should Approach the South China Sea
By John McCarthy
Canberra should think about what its own interests are and secure them carefully.

Australia's 'Forward' Defense White Paper
By Euan Graham
If one word could sum up the document, it would be 'forward.'