Australian Liberal Party

Australia’s Opposition Leader Softens Tone on China, With Election in Mind
By Michelle Grattan
With an eye toward winning Chinese Australian votes, Peter Dutton is simultaneously attempting a softening on some fronts – while retaining the “hard man” image on others.

Why the Indigenous ‘Voice’ Has Proved a Tough Sell in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
The last federal election was a vote against instability, not for any great positive vision. The public resistance to the proposed Voice to Parliament reflects that dynamic.

The Real Shift in Australian Politics
By Grant Wyeth
If Australia’s Liberal Party is in decline, does this mean that the Labor Party is in ascendency?

Is Australia’s Liberal Party in Terminal Decline?
By Grant Wyeth
What saves political parties is their ability to adapt, but the aggressive populism that has saved conservative parties elsewhere has limited appeal in Australia.

Liberal Party Losses Grow With Victoria Elections
By Grant Wyeth
The result confirmed that the Labor Party’s chief rival, the Liberal Party, is now deeply unpopular in the state.

Queensland: A Political Conundrum
By Grant Wyeth
What explains Queensland's unique -- and divergent -- political choices at the state and federal levels?

The Forgotten, Quiet, Battlers: Who Are The Real Australians?
By Grant Wyeth
If the Liberal Party wants to find its way back to government it needs to abandon the attempt to define an “authentic” class of Australians, and instead simply see people as people.

Australian Voters Demand Change, Oust Morrison’s Coalition Government
By Patricia O’Brien
Out of the wreckage of Morrison’s Liberal rule comes a new political era for Australia.

Macho Election Tactics Miss the Point in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
Politicians will no doubt continue to wrap themselves in high-vis vests, but come election day it is women who will make themselves seen.

Australia’s Elections: The China Narrative
By Natasha Kassam and Jennifer Hsu
How best to manage ties with China ought to be a central election issue, but the campaign narratives are focused on posturing rather than policy.

This Is Australia’s Climate Change Election
By Patricia O’Brien
It is not just the Pacific region angered by Prime Minister Morrison’s unchanged coal-loving stance. Next month, he will have to answer to the Australian electorate on this critical issue.

Australia’s Main Parties Are More Alike Than Different on China Policy
By Elena Collinson
The Coalition government is highlighting China as a major campaign issue, but in reality the China policies of the Liberal and Labor parties are nearly identical.
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