Avian flu

Why China Could be a Game Changer for Global Health
By Charlotte Röhren
With its growing international integration, China is becoming a major actor in global health issues.

China's New Avian Flu Has "Pandemic Potential"
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, Baucus is confirmed, China's gains in innovation, and media training for CCP cadres. Friday China links.

Watch Out for the H10N8 Avian Flu
By Yanzhong Huang
A new case in Jiangxi raises concerns about the possibility of another outbreak.

Armed With SARS Lessons, China Fights H7N9 Bird Flu
By Shannon Tiezzi
10 years after SARS, China is fighting another viral outbreak - and seems to be winning.

More than a Dozen Quarantined after Hong Kong Bird Flu Scare
By J.T. Quigley
Officials believe that an Indonesian maid contracted H7N9 in Shenzhen.

Avian Flu Strain H7N9 Kills 2 in China
Two men from Shanghai died from H7N9 in early March within two weeks of falling ill.
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