Ayatollah Khamenei

What Iran's Election Means for the World
By Tara Kangarlou

3 Possible Paths for Iran-US Relations
By Sina Azodi

The View from Tehran
By Alex Vatanka

Why the Iran Nuke Talks Might Fail
By Maysam Behravesh

America’s Moment of Truth on Iran
The future of America’s standing as a great power depends on the choices it makes in dealing with Iran.

Iran’s Elections: The Maneouvering Begins
While Saeed Jalili appears the early frontrunner, the early chaos of Iran’s presidential elections underscores the unpredictability of the race.

An Act of Self-Preservation: Why Iran Wants the Bomb
The real roots of Iran’s nuclear program lie not in physics – but in Iran’s own sense of history.

Why Talks with Iran Haven’t Worked
Iran’s leaders see little domestic political benefit to giving into the demands of the U.S. and its partners over Tehran’s nuclear program. The calculation shows no signs of changing.

A Flicker of Optimism on Iran
Hardliners in the U.S. and Israel seem to be shifting on Iran’s nuclear program. Is a breakthrough possible in the Baghdad talks?
Election Year = No Iran Deal
There are increasing signs that a breakthrough over Iran’s nuclear program could be in reach. But don’t expect Barack Obama to clutch at it yet.

A Blueprint for Solving the Iran Crisis
There’s much pessimism surrounding this week’s scheduled talks over Iran’s nuclear program. But a quid pro quo approach offers a solution.

Will America Seize the Moment on Iran?
Obama’s reelection and signs of Iranian willingness to end the nuclear standoff might offer some hope towards a compromise.