
Bangladesh National Party

Death Toll Rises in Bangladesh’s Anti-Drug War

Death Toll Rises in Bangladesh’s Anti-Drug War

By Shakil Bin Mushtaq
More than 100 have been killed since a new anti-drug push began in Bangladesh.

Could Bangladesh Be Heading for One-Party Rule?

Could Bangladesh Be Heading for One-Party Rule?

By Amit Sengupta
With the BNP's Khaleda Zia in jail and Islamic parties besieged, it's a probability more than just a possibility.
Turbulent Politics Set to Return to Bangladesh

Turbulent Politics Set to Return to Bangladesh

By Lau Seng Yap
Political stability ahead of the December national elections is now increasingly elusive in Bangladesh.

Is This the End of the Two-Party System in Bangladesh?

Is This the End of the Two-Party System in Bangladesh?

By K.S. Venkatachalam
Less than a year ahead of national polls, the leader of Bangladesh's opposition party has been convicted of corruption.

Bangladesh's Democratic Backsliding: Time to Act Before It's Too Late

Bangladesh's Democratic Backsliding: Time to Act Before It's Too Late

By Lord Carlile of Berriew CBE QC
Time to stop the executions of political opponents and restore the rule of law.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Will Bangladesh’s Democracy Fall Apart?

Will Bangladesh’s Democracy Fall Apart?

By Jack Detsch
Former Prime Minister and opposition leader Khaleda Zia has a warrant out for her arrest.

One Year After Election, Violence Persists in Bangladesh

One Year After Election, Violence Persists in Bangladesh

By Jack Detsch
A year after disputed elections threw Bangladesh into turmoil, a call for boycotts from the opposition has led to renewed violence.
Bangladesh at a Crossroads

Bangladesh at a Crossroads

By Charles Tannock
Newly reelected, it is time for the Awami League to build bridges.

Bangladesh’s Stranglehold Election

Bangladesh’s Stranglehold Election

By Julia Bleckner
The election may be over, but the turmoil certainly isn’t.

Political Crisis in Bangladesh: A Question of National Identity

Political Crisis in Bangladesh: A Question of National Identity

By Sanjay Kumar
Bangladeshi politics are currently mired in crisis around questions of national identity.

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