
Bangladesh student protests

History’s Key Role in Deadly Student Protests in Bangladesh 

History’s Key Role in Deadly Student Protests in Bangladesh 

By Samata Biswas
In their struggles against authoritarian rule, Bangladesh’s students have always relied on their history’s many artifacts.

Bangladesh Imposes Strict Curfew With ‘Shoot-On-Sight’ Order Following Deadly Protests

Bangladesh Imposes Strict Curfew With ‘Shoot-On-Sight’ Order Following Deadly Protests

By Julhas Alam and Sheikh Saaliq
Over 100 people have been killed in clashes between police and protesters, largely students demanding the end of Bangladesh's quota system for government jobs.
The Quota Reform Protest In Bangladesh Is Much More Than It Seems 

The Quota Reform Protest In Bangladesh Is Much More Than It Seems 

By Md Mizanur Rahman
Bangladesh’s leaders are right that the protest has morphed into a broader challenge. What they fail to see is that their own actions are responsible for that development.

As Protests Erupt, a Rocky Start to Sheikh Hasina’s Fourth Consecutive Term

As Protests Erupt, a Rocky Start to Sheikh Hasina’s Fourth Consecutive Term

By Saqlain Rizve
A perfect storm of political and economic grievance has seen Bangladesh erupt in student-led protests.

Violent Clashes Over Government Jobs Quota System Leave Scores Injured in Bangladesh

Violent Clashes Over Government Jobs Quota System Leave Scores Injured in Bangladesh

By Julhas Alam
The quota system sets aside 30 percent of government jobs for family members of those who fought in the 1971 Bangladesh liberation war.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Bangladeshi University Students Protest Quota System Reforms

Bangladeshi University Students Protest Quota System Reforms

By Saqlain Rizve
The students argue that the quota system is discriminatory and hinders merit-based appointments in government jobs.

Behind Bangladesh's Protests: Rising Frustration

Behind Bangladesh's Protests: Rising Frustration

By Aparupa Bhattacherjee
Looking beyond the immediate trigger of the August protests, what has Bangladesh's society so frustrated?
The Government of Bangladesh Needs to Stop Silencing Its Citizens

The Government of Bangladesh Needs to Stop Silencing Its Citizens

By Tasnim Nazeer
Bangladeshi citizens deserve to be heard and the government needs to accept responsibility for its failures.

Students Protest Against Reckless Driving Roil Bangladesh

Students Protest Against Reckless Driving Roil Bangladesh

By Shakil Bin Mushtaq
The protests, now in their fifth day, were sparked by the death of two students on July 29.

Bangladesh’s Students Back on the Streets in Protest

Bangladesh’s Students Back on the Streets in Protest

By Siddharthya Roy
Over the last week, Bangladesh saw intense student unrest over quotas in government jobs.

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