China Topples Germany in Arms Exports
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Two thirds of Chinese arms exports went to just three countries.

What Can Mussolini’s Navy Teach Us About Chinese Naval Power?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The history of the Italian navy offers great lessons why overestimating your enemy’s capabilities is dangerous.

Will the United States Help Taiwan Build Submarines?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee is visiting Taipei to discuss technical aid for domestic submarines.

What Can the Middle Ages Teach Us About US Naval Strategy?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The history of European chivalry offers valuable insights for analyzing the Sino-US naval competition.

What Can Isaiah Berlin Teach Us About Defense Analysis?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
How to discern good from bad security analysis, according to a philosopher.

China’s Defense Budget to Increase 10 Percent in 2015
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Details on what precisely China is spending money on remain murky.

The Problem With China's Patents
By Greg Austin
Setting up a national innovations system is not easy for China.

Does China Really Know How to Wage Cyber War?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
China's cyber war capabilities are a riddle wrapped inside an enigma.

This is Japan’s Best Strategy to Defeat China at Sea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In order to win, Japan should give China a dose of its own medicine.

US China Commission Moves Beyond the 'China Threat' Hype
By Greg Austin
A new report represents a major evolution in U.S. understanding of the PLA.

Is the Chinese Military Weaker Than We Think?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report highlights the unpreparedness of the Chinese military for modern conflict.

India: The Austria-Hungary of the 21st Century?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
If it heeds the lessons of history, the US would do well not to foster close ties with India in the next few years.