Belt and Road Forum

The Missing Voices at China’s Belt and Road Summit
By Joshua Rosenzweig
The communities who will be directly impacted by Chinese mega-projects will not be represented in Beijing this week.

China 2017: Year in Review
By Tuan N. Pham
How might events during the past year foretell Beijing’s actions for 2018?

2017: A Tough Year for China-India Relations
By Ivan Lidarev
The China-India relationship stands at a crossroads. Can both sides overcome last year's frictions in 2018?

Xi’s One Belt One Road: A Plan Too Big to Fail?
By Lee YingHui
Xi's legacy will be judged by the success or failure of his signature policy initiative.

The Belt and Road Initiative and the Future of Globalization
By Alek Chance
Xi Jinping’s signature policy is about more than just infrastructure.

China’s Lianyungang: A Hub Waiting to be Born
By Krzysztof Iwanek
One Belt, One Road and many hopes for China’s regions and cities.

A US-India Consensus on China's Belt and Road?
By Ankit Panda
The Modi-Trump joint statement includes a curious paragraph. What does it mean?

Kung Fu Yoga: A Chinese-Indian Soft Power Romance
By Antonina Łuszczykiewicz and Krzysztof Iwanek
The movie is also a promotional feature for One Belt, One Road.

Trump’s Pivot to the Middle East and China's OBOR
By Hamzah Rifaat Hussain
Trump's outreach to the Middle East cannot be divorced from China's own plans for the Middle East.

3 Reasons Why the US Should Join China's Belt and Road Initiative
By Dingding Chen
Simpy put, it is in the U.S. national interest to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Why Is Australia Dragging Its Feet on China's Belt and Road?
By James Laurenceson and Xunpeng Shi
Geostrategic concerns about the Belt and Road are overblown. So why is Australia so reluctant to participate?

What's Next for the Belt and Road in Central Asia?
By Catherine Putz
Three regional presidents attended the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing last weekend.