Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

The Inevitability of Indian Spies in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
India’s emerging great power status comes with great power behavior.

Indian Democracy’s Tryst With Trust
By Ajay Gudavarthy
Elections in India represent a paradoxical see-saw between trust and crises of legitimacy.

Once a Fringe Ideology, Hindu Nationalism is Now Mainstream, Thanks to Modi
By Krutika Pathi and Sheikh Saaliq
Modi has made Hindu nationalism acceptable, even desirable, to a nation of 1.4 billion that for decades prided itself on pluralism and secularism.

The INDIA Alliance: How India’s Opposition Plans to Take Down the BJP
By Tushar Shetty
Let's explore India's opposition coalition, its struggles and prospects, with guests Snigdhendu Bhattacharya and Gilles Verniers.

How to Rejuvenate the Indian National Congress
By Ambar Kumar Ghosh
Any pan-India challenge to the BJP’s political hegemony in national elections cannot be envisioned without the Congress. And thus, the party's revival is critical.

The Foreign Policy Angle in India’s Upcoming National Elections
By Arvind Mohan
The BJP has consistently used its foreign policy credentials to bolster its domestic popularity, but the difference is mostly one of style rather than substance.

State Election Victories Give Modi a Head Start for 2024
By Bharat Bhushan
The ruling BJP's success in three of five state elections has put Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in prime position for national elections in 2024.

Domino Effect: Can 2023 State Elections Upset the Modi Machine in 2024?
By Nikhil Sehra
India's state elections don’t usually foretell national polls, but this time around, many will be looking for signs of a winning strategy.

The BJP Tries on a New Image: Champion of ‘Good Governance’
By Satish K. Jha
With state and national elections ahead, the party moves away from its time-tested appeal to Hindu nationalism.

A True Middle Kingdom: Why Is India’s Foreign Policy So Stable?
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The Indian opposition is unlikely to change New Delhi’s approach to Russia if it comes to power.

The BJP’s Southern Strategy
By Joe Wallen and Tushar Shetty
How the BJP plans to win over South India in the lead up to the 2024 election.

Can INDIA Win in India?
By Krzysztof Iwanek
While much has been said about the name of a new opposition alliance in India, what matters are its growing ranks.