Bhasan Char

How to Truly Mark Rohingya Genocide Remembrance Day
By Ishrat Zakia Sultana
The Rohingya issue has become deeply politicized, but there are still possible solutions at hand.

Cash Incentives and Coercion: The Controversial Strategy for Rohingya Repatriation
By Shafiur Rahman
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh report being offered $2,000 to return to Myanmar – and threatened with beatings if they do not.

Rohingya Refugees Need Sustained Support from International Community
By Shafi Md Mostofa
With refugee flows from Ukraine and Afghanistan growing, will donors tighten their purse strings for Rohingyas?

Bhasan Char and Refugee ‘Warehousing’
By Hanh Nguyen and Themba Lewis
Bangladesh’s relocation of Rohingya refugees has disturbing parallels to offshore detention of refugees elsewhere in the Asia-Pacific region.

Is There Any Solution to Myanmar’s Rohingya Crisis?
By Sebastian Strangio
The February coup has further complicated the potential return of more than 1 million Rohingya refugees to Myanmar.

The Rohingya Trapped on a Remote Tropical Island
By Zaw Win
Thousands of Rohingya refugees have been relocated to Bhasan Char, which is closer to an island prison than an appropriate location for resettlement.

Bangladesh Sends Hundreds More Rohingya Refugees to Island
By Julhas Alam
Dhaka says that the relocation of refugees to the low-lying island is a temporary arrangement; they will eventually have to return to Myanmar.

Rohingya Refugees Protest Conditions on Remote Island
By Sebastian Strangio
The protest follows reports that refugees were offered Bangladeshi citizenship to undertake the move to Bhasan Char.

UN Urges Bangladesh to Delay Rohingya Refugee Island Transfers
By Sebastian Strangio
The controversial island relocation plan points to the challenges facing the resolution of the refugee crisis in southeastern Bangladesh.

Rights Groups Allege Coercion in Rohingya Island Relocation Plan
By Sebastian Strangio
Refugees and rights groups say that threats and inducements have been used to get refugees to move to the previously uninhabited island.

Bangladesh Begins Relocating Rohingya Refugees to Island
By Associated Press
International aid agencies and the U.N. have vehemently opposed the relocation since it was first proposed in 2015
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