Bhutan democracy

People’s Democratic Party Wins Elections in Bhutan
By Santosh Sharma Poudel
Unlike in other parts of South Asia, where elections are plagued with controversy, Bhutan’s fourth general election was peaceful and not divisive.

What’s Next for Bhutan After Its Election
By Shannon Tiezzi
Tenzing Lamsang, editor of The Bhutanese, discusses why voters chose the PDP and what the new government has planned, particularly for Bhutan's ailing economy.

Bhutan Takes Another Step Forward on Democratic Path
By Mimrah Abdul Ghafoor
Voting in the first phase of elections to the National Assembly – the fourth since the Himalayan kingdom democratized in 2008 – will take place on November 30.

Bhutan’s Elections Demonstrate Continued Democratic Progress
By Karma Dema
Increased voter turnout for Bhutan’s parliamentary elections points to healthier democracy.

The Case for Stronger Bhutanese-American Ties
By Matthew F. Ferraro
There is a compelling argument for strengthening ties with the tiny kingdom of Bhutan.

Bhutan's Struggling Media
By Vishal Arora
Despite high hopes, journalism in Bhutan has struggled during its democratic transition.

Bhutan’s Second Trip to the Parliamentary Polls
By Sudha Ramachandran
With its second general elections, Bhutan takes one more step towards securing its democratic gains.
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