
Biden Indo-Pacific

Indo-Pacific Biden­omics: The Emergence of a New Economic Order

Indo-Pacific Biden­omics: The Emergence of a New Economic Order

By Erin Murphy
The upcoming APEC summit in San Francisco will be a visible culmination of the work that has gone into making economic engagement the leading edge of diplomacy.

The US Indo-Pacific Strategy’s Weakest Link

The US Indo-Pacific Strategy’s Weakest Link

By Guy C. Charlton and Xiang Gao
U.S. involvement in the region needs a larger economic component – an area where U.S. policy used to be strong.
US National Security Strategy 2022: The View From Bangladesh

US National Security Strategy 2022: The View From Bangladesh

By Ayesha Binte Towhid
The increasingly stark language of competition with China will alarm countries like Bangladesh, who want to remain friendly with both sides.

Can the US Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Meet the Value Proposition Challenge?

Can the US Indo-Pacific Economic Framework Meet the Value Proposition Challenge?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
IPEF’s evolution and prospects will partly hinge on how U.S. and regional partners define its value add in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Southeast Asian Nations Roll the Dice on Biden’s Indo-Pacific Framework

Southeast Asian Nations Roll the Dice on Biden’s Indo-Pacific Framework

By Sebastian Strangio
The region has thrown its support behind Washington's long-awaited economic engagement plan, even as the specifics remain vague.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Biden Launches Indo-Pacific Trade Deal

Biden Launches Indo-Pacific Trade Deal

By Josh Boak and Aamer Madhani
The Biden administration’s IPEF formally kicked off on Monday with 13 member states.

What the US Indo-Pacific Strategy Is Missing

What the US Indo-Pacific Strategy Is Missing

By Zenel Garcia
The Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific strategy rests on old assumptions that fail to account for the region’s dynamics and complexity.
Fancy Footwork: Biden’s Two-Step Approach to Indo-Pacific Allies

Fancy Footwork: Biden’s Two-Step Approach to Indo-Pacific Allies

By Tom Corben and Peter K. Lee
The Biden administration took some bold steps to empower its Indo-Pacific allies and partners in 2021. But can it deliver on its promises?

Washington’s Southeast Asia Commitments Must Look Beyond the ‘Like-Minded’

Washington’s Southeast Asia Commitments Must Look Beyond the ‘Like-Minded’

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The U.S. can't afford to limit its outreach to those nations with which it has the most in common.

The Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Lacks Clarity on China

The Biden Administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Lacks Clarity on China

By Alec Blivas
The strategy document fails to answer crucial questions about the desired balance between competition and cooperation with China.

Assessing Antony Blinken’s Jakarta Speech on the Indo-Pacific

Assessing Antony Blinken’s Jakarta Speech on the Indo-Pacific

By Sebastian Strangio
The U.S. Secretary of State made a broad array of promises, but was frustratingly short on specifics.
Democracy Promotion in the Indo-Pacific: Prelude to a ‘Biden Doctrine’?

Democracy Promotion in the Indo-Pacific: Prelude to a ‘Biden Doctrine’?

By Mark S. Cogan and Paul D. Scott
Despite its limits, the Biden administration should anchor its foreign policy in support of democratic principles and self-determination.

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