

How Will Minilateral Proliferation Shape Asia’s Regional Architecture?

How Will Minilateral Proliferation Shape Asia’s Regional Architecture?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Indo-Pacific minilateral networking presents both opportunities and challenges to the wider regional architecture.

China Is Providing an Alternative Regional Framework for South Asia

China Is Providing an Alternative Regional Framework for South Asia

By Bipin Ghimire and Apoorva Pathak
China has set up its own alternative to SAARC and BIMSTEC – one that does not include India.
India’s COVID-19 Opportunity in Southeast Asia

India’s COVID-19 Opportunity in Southeast Asia

By Angshuman Choudhury and Ashutosh Nagda
India needs to extend its regional COVID diplomacy eastward.

Indian Foreign Policy: Assessing the Agenda in 2020

Indian Foreign Policy: Assessing the Agenda in 2020

By Hemant Krishan Singh and Arun Sahgal
India may face a difficult year ahead, but Indian diplomacy is poised to succeed.

High Tech Geopolitics: How Can India Combine Data and Regional Power?

High Tech Geopolitics: How Can India Combine Data and Regional Power?

By Rohan Seth
India should take the lead in driving BIMSTEC integration on data.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Modi’s Second Term Foreign Policy Kicks off With a Neighborhood Focus

Modi’s Second Term Foreign Policy Kicks off With a Neighborhood Focus

By Ankit Panda
“Neighborhood first” is here to stay under Modi 2.0.

India’s BIMSTEC Gambit

India’s BIMSTEC Gambit

By Sudha Ramachandran
With SAARC stalled, India is turning to BIMSTEC to center its foreign policy.
Can BIMSTEC Finally Become Relevant?

Can BIMSTEC Finally Become Relevant?

By Nazia Hussain
After 20-plus years, the subregional grouping is having a moment. Will that momentum last?

The Time is Right to Revive SAARC

The Time is Right to Revive SAARC

By Sabena Siddiqi
BIMSTEC can't carry the weight of regional cooperation, but SAARC can.

Minding the Gaps in India’s Act East Policy

Minding the Gaps in India’s Act East Policy

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi’s approach to Southeast Asia within the wider Indo-Pacific region is strategically sound but has limits.

How Sri Lanka Can Enhance the Bay of Bengal Initiative

How Sri Lanka Can Enhance the Bay of Bengal Initiative

By Anishka De Zylva and Divya Hundlani
Sri Lanka has diverse and untapped opportunities to transform BIMSTEC into a more impactful organization.
Making Sense of India's Revived Interests in BIMSTEC

Making Sense of India's Revived Interests in BIMSTEC

By Harsh V. Pant
For New Delhi, BIMSTEC is about reimagining India’s strategic geography altogether.

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