
Brain drain

Causes and Consequences of Kazakhstan’s Brain Drain

Causes and Consequences of Kazakhstan’s Brain Drain

By Gulnash Askhat
Kazakhstani leaders understand the problem, but efforts to date have not achieved significant success. 
Hong Kong Offers New Visa to Woo Talent Amid Brain Drain

Hong Kong Offers New Visa to Woo Talent Amid Brain Drain

By Kanis Leung and Zen Soo
The new Top Talent Pass Scheme targets those with high salaries or degrees from top universities. 

Is Kazakhstan Losing Its Most Talented Youth to Russia?

Is Kazakhstan Losing Its Most Talented Youth to Russia?

By Alimana Zhanmukanova
From musicians and students to professionals, some of Kazakhstan’s best and brightest choose to establish themselves in Russia. Why?

Can Return Migration Be a ‘Brain Gain’ for Uzbekistan?

Can Return Migration Be a ‘Brain Gain’ for Uzbekistan?

By Sherzod Eraliev
Tashkent looks to expats to bring their expertise and experience back to Uzbekistan.

Young Afghans Come Together to Prevent 'Brain Drain'

Young Afghans Come Together to Prevent 'Brain Drain'

By Sanjay Kumar
A group of young Afghans tries to stop their educated compatriots from migrating to Europe.
South Korea's War on Brain Drain

South Korea's War on Brain Drain

By Tae-jun Kang
South Korea is finally trying to reverse the flow of high quality human capital fleeing the country.

China’s Ivy League Love Affair

China’s Ivy League Love Affair

By Thorsten Pattberg
Without investing in its own higher education, China will fail to slow its“brain drain” to Western universities.
A Tenure Rejection with Many Implications

A Tenure Rejection with Many Implications

The denial of tenure for Dr. Cherian George has sparked a fierce debate about academic freedom in Singapore.

Too Many Doctors in Malaysia

Too Many Doctors in Malaysia

Faced with too many doctors, Malaysia imposes a five-year moratorium on medical courses.

Unclogging the Drain

Is India’s decades-long brain drain finally coming to an end?

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