
Brunei Sharia Law

ASEAN Summit Should Draw Attention to Brunei’s Appalling Human Rights Record

ASEAN Summit Should Draw Attention to Brunei’s Appalling Human Rights Record

By Kasthuri Patto
Two years after Hollywood’s boycott campaign, Brunei continues to restrict the freedom of religion or belief.
Sharia in Brunei: Much Ado About Nothing?

Sharia in Brunei: Much Ado About Nothing?

By Asif Ullah Khan
One year after an international outcry against the new Sharia Penal Code, most Bruneians say it hasn’t impacted their lives at all.

Brunei: Spoiled Subjects of the Sultan

Brunei: Spoiled Subjects of the Sultan

By Robert Bociaga
Life in one of the world's last absolute monarchies.

Brunei: When Sharia Meets Social Media

Brunei: When Sharia Meets Social Media

By Asif Ullah Khan
The Sultanate’s Sharia law sparked criticism abroad – and at home, where dissent is not often tolerated.

Brunei’s Controversial New Shariah Laws Are Now in Effect

Brunei’s Controversial New Shariah Laws Are Now in Effect

By Annabelle Liang
The changes, widely decried by human rights groups, allow death-by-stoning as a penalty for gay sex and adultery.
Brunei's Christmas Treat: Santa Banned for a Second Year

Brunei's Christmas Treat: Santa Banned for a Second Year

By Luke Hunt
The tiny, oil-rich nation continues its assault on Christmas.

What the Trans-Pacific Partnership Means for Southeast Asia

What the Trans-Pacific Partnership Means for Southeast Asia

By Hunter Marston
The trade deal would be a giant step for the four Southeast Asian countries currently in talks.
The Implications of Brunei’s Sharia Law

The Implications of Brunei’s Sharia Law

By Bill Ozanick
The introduction of sharia law may well derail the Sultan’s vision for his country’s future.

Brunei’s New Midnight Ban

Brunei’s New Midnight Ban

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country now wants all shops and restaurants shut by midnight.

Brunei Cracks Down on Chinese New Year

Brunei Cracks Down on Chinese New Year

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country opens a new front in its battle against non-Muslim celebrations.

Southeast Asia’s Top Stories in 2014

Southeast Asia’s Top Stories in 2014

By Mong Palatino
A look back at the region’s biggest stories over the past 12 months.
Brunei’s War on Christmas?

Brunei’s War on Christmas?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Islamic state has reportedly banned Christmas decorations in the capital

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