Buddhism in Myanmar

Saffron Washing: The Myanmar Military’s Exploitation of Buddhism
By Tin Shine Aung
Holding itself up as the sole defender of Burmese heritage, the military has long manipulated Buddhism for its political purposes.

Prophecies, Rituals, and Resistance in Myanmar
By Naw Theresa
Soothsayers, astrologers, and monks marshal symbols and oracles to predict the anti-coup movement's eventual success.

Myanmar's Radical Buddhist Group Gets Rebuked
By Mong Palatino
Ma Ba Tha has been dealt some recent blows.

Myanmar's Astonishing Sights
By Miguel Cano
Myanmar is experiencing a surge in foreign visitors, who can enjoy some spectacular views.

Will Genocide Be the True Cost of State Building in Myanmar?
By Tej Parikh
To govern, Aung San Suu Kyi seems prepared to turn a blind eye to the Rohingya issue.

New Zealander Jailed in Myanmar for Disrespecting Buddha
By Helen Clark
A bar manager and two colleagues face two years in prison for a photoshopped image.
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