Cambodia land grabs

UNESCO Has Failed to Prevent Forced Evictions at Angkor Wat
By Sambath Reth
The rights group Amnesty International claims that thousands of families have been evicted from the world-famous temples over the past year.

The Cost of Cambodia’s Development
By Nathan A. Thompson
The country has grand plans, but not everyone is a winner.
Cambodian Land Conflicts Surge
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A persistent problem for Cambodia may be getting a lot worse.

Interview: Sebastian Strangio
By Luke Hunt
The Diplomat’s Luke Hunt speaks with the author of Hun Sen’s Cambodia.

Cambodia’s Ruling Elite May Face ICC Probe Over Land Grab
By Luke Hunt
A criminal complaint has been filed with the International Criminal Court, alleging crimes against humanity.

Singaporean Man Runs 31 Marathons in 31 Days for Bone Marrow Disease
By J.T. Quigley
Also: Chinese passengers attack Philippine pilots after detour, half a million Cambodians affected by land grabs.
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