
Cambodia media

End of an Era as the Phnom Penh Post Closes Its Doors

End of an Era as the Phnom Penh Post Closes Its Doors

By Luke Hunt
“With the advent of AI… we are in very scary, uncharted waters,” says co-founder Michael Hayes.

Editing Cambodian News: A Conversation With Alan Parkhouse

Editing Cambodian News: A Conversation With Alan Parkhouse

By Luke Hunt
The veteran editor on winning awards, breaking news, and managing journalists.
Aren’t Cambodia’s Journalists Tired Of Being Spoken Down To?

Aren’t Cambodia’s Journalists Tired Of Being Spoken Down To?

By David Hutt
The country's government views the press as an adjunct of power.

AsiaLIFE and Publishing Hip Magazines in Vietnam

AsiaLIFE and Publishing Hip Magazines in Vietnam

By Luke Hunt
Jonny Edbrooke speaks about his various media ventures and the importance of being nice in Southeast Asia.

Cambodia’s Thin-Skinned Princelings Are Forcing Newspapers Out Of The Country. It Isn’t All Bad.  

Cambodia’s Thin-Skinned Princelings Are Forcing Newspapers Out Of The Country. It Isn’t All Bad.  

By David Hutt
Given the perils of producing meaningful journalism within Cambodia, the future of the country's media might well lie abroad.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Cambodian Ministry Threatens Independent Media Outlet With Closure

Cambodian Ministry Threatens Independent Media Outlet With Closure

By Sebastian Strangio
The Ministry of Agriculture says that CambojaNews could go the way of VOD, a bilingual news site that was shut down in February.

The Cambodian Government’s ‘Recommendations’ For Journalists

The Cambodian Government’s ‘Recommendations’ For Journalists

By Luke Hunt
This month's closure of the independent news outlet Voice of Democracy serves as a warning for those who fail to toe the government line.
Was Hun Sen’s Closure of Voice of Democracy Premeditated?

Was Hun Sen’s Closure of Voice of Democracy Premeditated?

By David Hutt
It was conspicuous that one of Cambodia's last independent outlets was closed while King Norodom Sihamoni was away.

Cambodia Defends Closure of Independent Media Outlet Amid International Outcry

Cambodia Defends Closure of Independent Media Outlet Amid International Outcry

By Sebastian Strangio
The closure of Voice of Democracy has prompted a wave of condemnations from Western governments. Will actions follow?

Cambodian News Organization Closes Following PM Hun Sen’s Order

Cambodian News Organization Closes Following PM Hun Sen’s Order

By Sebastian Strangio
The leader accused Voice of Democracy, one of the country's few independent news sources, of harming the "dignity and reputation" of the Cambodian government.

Cambodian Police Bar Journalists From Covering Investigations

Cambodian Police Bar Journalists From Covering Investigations

By Luke Hunt
Should the rounding up of dissidents and other criminal investigations simply be ignored?
What’s Next for Kem Sokha and Cambodia’s Opposition?

What’s Next for Kem Sokha and Cambodia’s Opposition?

By David Hutt
The anniversary of the Cambodian opposition leader’s detention this week raises questions about his future.

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