
Mahathir's National Car Dreams
By Li Xirui
A national Malaysian car has long been one of Mahathir’s passions, dovetailing with his support of Malay nationalism.

India’s States Promote Electric Vehicles While the Central Government Equivocates
By Aman Thakker
States have announced policies to foster the adoption of electric vehicles. When will the central government follow suit?

Imports of German Cars Stopped at Turkmen Border
By Catherine Putz
BMW, Audi, and Mercedes-Benz have reportedly been added to the list of banned car imports.

What’s Driving Change in Central Asia’s Car Industry?
By Bradley Jardine and Greindl Sibylle
The automobile industry can tell us a great deal about Central Asia’s economies.

How Toyota Drives Kentucky's Economy
By Robert Farley
When Kentuckians think "American made cars" they think of Toyota.
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