
CCP control in Hong Kong

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China Is Making Support for Democracy a Crime in Hong Kong

China Is Making Support for Democracy a Crime in Hong Kong

By Frances Hui
Nearly all of the city's prominent pro-democracy voices have been arrested or forced into exile.
5 Steps Joe Biden Should Take to Confront the China Challenge

5 Steps Joe Biden Should Take to Confront the China Challenge

By Joey Siu
China is a looming threat to international order. U.S. leadership in confronting the issue has never been more important.

The Intensifying Pressures to Further ‘Reform’ Hong Kong’s Courts

The Intensifying Pressures to Further ‘Reform’ Hong Kong’s Courts

By Jerome A. Cohen
With LegCo subdued, Beijing is turning its attention to Hong Kong’s independent judiciary.

Inside Hong Kong’s Besieged Legislative Council, Democrats Refuse to Surrender

Inside Hong Kong’s Besieged Legislative Council, Democrats Refuse to Surrender

By Kevin Holden
Banned candidates. Arrested lawmakers. Cancelled elections. What remains of democracy in Hong Kong?

The Road to ‘Red Hong Kong’?

The Road to ‘Red Hong Kong’?

By Shin Kawashima
Hong Kong’s traditional role is changing.
Hong Kong: Law Making and Law Breaking

Hong Kong: Law Making and Law Breaking

By Jessie Lau and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
From last year’s protests to the national security law, Hong Kong’s turmoil is largely a question of who gets to make the law – and who gets labeled as breaking it.

Beijing’s National Security Law Brings Mainland Repression to Hong Kong

Beijing’s National Security Law Brings Mainland Repression to Hong Kong

By Michael C. Davis and Victoria Tin-bor Hui
The implications of the new law for Hong Kongers and the world.
Hong Kong Through Water and Fire

Hong Kong Through Water and Fire

By Sebastian Veg
From the mass protests of 2019 to the national security law of 2020.

China Approves Contentious Hong Kong National Security Law

China Approves Contentious Hong Kong National Security Law

By Zen Soo and Ken Moritsugu
The new law targeting subversive and secessionist activity has sparked widespread fears of a crackdown on free speech.

The World Is Awakening to China’s Sharp Power

The World Is Awakening to China’s Sharp Power

By Simon Shen
China's sharp power first began to be displayed in Hong Kong. Now it is seen all over the world.

Will China’s New National Security Law Be the ‘Anti-Virus’ Software That Locks Down Hong Kong?

Will China’s New National Security Law Be the ‘Anti-Virus’ Software That Locks Down Hong Kong?

By Jerome A. Cohen
Parsing the legislative, judicial, and law enforcement implications of the NPC’s “bombshell” decision.
National Security Laws in General Are Not a Problem. Hong Kong’s Is.

National Security Laws in General Are Not a Problem. Hong Kong’s Is.

By Larry C. B. Lai and Debby S. W. Chan
Many countries have national security laws. The central question lies in whether the laws primarily protect national security or suffocate civil and political liberties.

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