
CCP legitimacy

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What Happens to the CCP If China’s Economic Growth Falters?

What Happens to the CCP If China’s Economic Growth Falters?

By Alexis Leggeri
Thanks to a rapid build-up in its domestic security capacity, the Party has the ability to substitute hard control for economic legitimacy.
COVID-19 Has Dimmed Xi’s Approval Ratings Abroad – But Not in China

COVID-19 Has Dimmed Xi’s Approval Ratings Abroad – But Not in China

By Sungmin Cho
Why have Chinese citizens shown even stronger support for Xi Jinping during the COVID-19 crisis?

The World Is Falling for China’s Hong Kong Trap

The World Is Falling for China’s Hong Kong Trap

By Andrei Lungu
With the national security law, the CCP created for itself the perfect opportunity to pit China against “foreign hostile forces.”

The World Sees a Public Health Crisis. Beijing Sees a Political Threat.

The World Sees a Public Health Crisis. Beijing Sees a Political Threat.

By Sarah Cook
Amid the coronavirus epidemic, suppression of dissent remains a top priority for the CCP, and the stakes are higher than ever.

Is COVID-19 China’s ‘Chernobyl Moment’?

Is COVID-19 China’s ‘Chernobyl Moment’?

By Liubomir K. Topaloff
There are plenty of differences between Gorbachev’s Soviet Union and Xi’s China. But there are enough similarities that Xi should be worried.
Coronavirus Paranoia May Boost the Chinese Public’s Approval of the Government

Coronavirus Paranoia May Boost the Chinese Public’s Approval of the Government

By Jo Kim
Chinese people largely seem to approve of the central government’s actions and applaud harsh quarantine measures at the local level.

Coronavirus and China’s Decision-Making in a Crisis

Coronavirus and China’s Decision-Making in a Crisis

By Matthew Sullivan
The contours of the Chinese response have remained largely the same from SARS in 2003 to today's coronavirus outbreak.
Exploring China’s New Narrative on Democracy

Exploring China’s New Narrative on Democracy

By Jo Kim
Amid growing concerns about its governance, China's leadership is attempting to emphasize its own brand of democracy with “Chinese characteristics.”

The Cold Reality of Tiananmen at 30

The Cold Reality of Tiananmen at 30

By Christopher K. Colley
The world may care about the anniversary on June 4, but the Chinese public has moved on.

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