Central Asia
In Samarkand, USAID Head Power Announces New Funds for Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
USAID Administrator Samantha Power announced an additional $14.3 million in regional programing, plus $18.7 million to boost collaboration in Uzbekistan, specifically.
Central Asian States and Great Power Geopolitics
By Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz
What's driving Central Asian foreign policy in 2023?
Another Summit to Watch: Commonwealth of Independent States Heads to Gather in Kyrgyz Capital
By Catherine Putz
Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to attend. It will be his first trip abroad since the ICC issue an arrest warrant in March 2023.
Germany Hosts Central Asian Leaders for Summit
By Catherine Putz
Attending yet another summit, it’s clear that diplomatic outreach to Central Asia is in high gear across the West.
A Case for Greater US Engagement in Central Asia
By Hunter Stoll
Russian and Chinese influence in the region will never go away. But the United States now has a rare and valuable window of opportunity.
A Journey Through Central Asia’s Shifting Geopolitical Landscape
By Peter Krasnopolsky
As Russia’s position wanes in Central Asia, and China’s waxes, if American interests are to be maintained, Washington has to find ways to tap into the region’s potential.
New Uzbekistan’s Reform Agenda: A Catalyst for Stronger US Bilateral Relations
By Ambassador Furqat Sidikov
Uzbekistan is a bedrock U.S. partner in a dynamic region.
Digitalization: How the EU Can Transform Central Asia
By Alouddin Komilov
The EU has the potential to contribute to the digital transformation of Central Asia by leveraging its comparative strengths.
Russian Military Recruitment Ads Reportedly Target Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
Russia is reportedly looking toward its Central Asian neighbor Kazakhstan for manpower as the war in Ukraine lurches toward its 18th month.
The War in Ukraine Is Catalyzing a Linguistic Awakening in Kazakhstan
By Jack Leydiker
As Russian forces pursue a physical war in Ukraine, a shadow war is being fought too: a war against the legacies of Russian imperialism.
Central Asia Comes Out of the Russian Shadow
By Erica Marat
The region’s search for language, historic memory, cultural heritage and – above all – dignity received a new impetus from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
A Cold War-Era Amendment is Preventing a Deepening of U.S. Relations With Central Asia
By Chris Murphy
The U.S. has an opportunity to offer Central Asia a strategic alternative to China and Russia based on partnership rather than exploitation. The Jackson-Vanik amendment stands in the way.