
Chin State

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When the Myanmar Junta Burns Villages

When the Myanmar Junta Burns Villages

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Homes once inhabited by resistance fighters are specifically targeted to send a message to residents of what lies in store if they engage in anti-junta activities.
Snapshots of Life in Myanmar’s IDP Camps

Snapshots of Life in Myanmar’s IDP Camps

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
The Diplomat captures how those who were forced to flee their homes cook, eat and play in camps for the displaced in Chin State and Sagaing Region.

Myanmar Junta’s Airstrikes: Strike Back Where It Hurts

Myanmar Junta’s Airstrikes: Strike Back Where It Hurts

By Salai Za Uk Ling, Michael Howard, and Rosalinn Zahau
As the junta steps up strikes on civilians, especially in Chin State, the United States must also ramp up its response.

The Ghost Town of Thantlang in Myanmar’s Chin State

The Ghost Town of Thantlang in Myanmar’s Chin State

By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Since control over this strategic town will give the military an advantage, it is being relentlessly bombed – displacing the entire population.

Why is Myanmar’s Air Force Bombing Civilian Targets?

Why is Myanmar’s Air Force Bombing Civilian Targets?

By Sribala Subramanian
The attacks are “terrifying” residents of border areas and neighboring countries.
Myanmar Refugee Numbers Swell in India’s Mizoram State

Myanmar Refugee Numbers Swell in India’s Mizoram State

By Sebastian Strangio
The exodus follows a series of brutal military reprisal killings in Chin State's Matupi Township.

Myanmar’s Army Is Fighting a Multi-Front War

Myanmar’s Army Is Fighting a Multi-Front War

By Robert Bociaga
Is the Tatmadaw getting overstretched?
Army Shelling in Myanmar Blamed for Setting 160 Homes Ablaze

Army Shelling in Myanmar Blamed for Setting 160 Homes Ablaze

By Grant Peck
Local Chins fear that the recent violence may represent just the beginning of a major government offensive in the region.

Myanmar Seizes Western Town After Heated Battle with Civilian Militia

Myanmar Seizes Western Town After Heated Battle with Civilian Militia

By Sebastian Strangio
The rise of the Chinland Defense Force reflects a trend of growing armed resistance to the military junta.

Myanmar: New Front in an Old War

Myanmar: New Front in an Old War

By Richard Potter
How the Arakan Army is emerging as a major player in Myanmar’s civil war.

New Delhi No Haven for Burmese Refugees

New Delhi No Haven for Burmese Refugees

By Nava Thakuria
Minorities from Myanmar face abuses and other struggles in India’s capital.
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