
China-Africa relations

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Why Did Chinese Loans to Africa Fall So Much in 2020?

Why Did Chinese Loans to Africa Fall So Much in 2020?

By Etsehiwot Kebret and Yike Fu
Of course the COVID-19 pandemic played a role, but there is another factor at play: pressure from international organizations to avoid debt.
What Did China’s Flurry of African Engagements Have to Do With Ukraine?

What Did China’s Flurry of African Engagements Have to Do With Ukraine?

By Lauren Ashmore
Some analysts suggested Beijing was seeking to shore up international support for its position on the Ukraine war. Maybe, but that wasn’t the major impetus for the recent series of bilateral meetings.

Does China’s Position on the Russia-Ukraine War Matter to African Countries?

Does China’s Position on the Russia-Ukraine War Matter to African Countries?

By Ovigwe Eguegu
Analysts and officials in the U.S. and Europe have been sharply critical of China’s stance. But the view from African countries is different.

What Does China’s Horn of Africa Envoy Mean for Its Non-Intervention Principle?

What Does China’s Horn of Africa Envoy Mean for Its Non-Intervention Principle?

By Ovigwe Eguegu
China’s approach to security issues is meant to be in line with African frameworks, in accordance with the principle of non-intervention.

African Opportunities in China-Africa Relations

African Opportunities in China-Africa Relations

By Ndidi Akahara
African countries have the agency to use relations with China to their own advantage. Whether African leaders will use their power to benefit their people is another question.
The Quiet China-Africa Revolution: Chinese Investment

The Quiet China-Africa Revolution: Chinese Investment

By Yike Fu
While loans take the lion’s share of the focus, Chinese FDI in Africa has also been growing at a rapid clip.

Why Is China Looking to Establish Banks in Nigeria?

Why Is China Looking to Establish Banks in Nigeria?

By Oluwatosin Adeshokan
For China, the establishment of banks in Nigeria presents an opportunity to further integrate itself with the financial systems of the African continent.
Agency, Bargaining Power, and African Leadership Visits to China

Agency, Bargaining Power, and African Leadership Visits to China

By Jade Scarfe and Jing Cai
Such visits show Africa’s agency in the relationship, but much more can be done to ensure African countries get what they need from China.

African Perspectives on China

African Perspectives on China

Abdul-Gafar Tobi Oshodi, Hannah Ryder, and Bob Wekesa discuss the many variations of African views on China, from pessimism to optimism and everything in between.

China’s Foreign Minister Revives Belt and Road on 5-Country Africa Tour

China’s Foreign Minister Revives Belt and Road on 5-Country Africa Tour

By Eleanor Albert
Wang Yi's visit added two new partners for the BRI, among other agreements.

China’s Africa Diplomacy Starts 2021 on a High Note

China’s Africa Diplomacy Starts 2021 on a High Note

By Shannon Tiezzi
Foreign Minister Wang Yi is making his traditional first trip to Africa, kicking off an important year for China-Africa cooperation.
FOCAC Turns 20: Deborah Brautigam on China-Africa Relations

FOCAC Turns 20: Deborah Brautigam on China-Africa Relations

By Shannon Tiezzi
A look at the origins, goals, and continuing legacy of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

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