
China-Africa relations

How Is China’s Global Education Strategy Evolving?

How Is China’s Global Education Strategy Evolving?

By Pippa Ebel
Growing numbers of Chinese universities are drawing students from partner regions such as Africa with science-focused programs. 

Previewing the Chinese Foreign Minister’s Visit to Africa

Previewing the Chinese Foreign Minister’s Visit to Africa

By Yixin Yu and Ovigwe Eguegu
Wang Yi’s inaugural trip of 2024 will touch on diplomacy, economics, and security issues on the African continent. 
What Lies Ahead for Chinese Lending to Africa?

What Lies Ahead for Chinese Lending to Africa?

By Trevor Lwere
Despite much talk of a slowdown, there is reason to believe that Chinese loans to African countries will increase in 2024.

The Untold Stories of Chinese Translators in Angola

The Untold Stories of Chinese Translators in Angola

By Kaian Lam
The experiences of young Chinese professionals provide an additional layer of complexity to the relations between China and Lusophone Africa.

What Did the 3rd Belt and Road Forum Mean for Africa?

What Did the 3rd Belt and Road Forum Mean for Africa?

By Trevor Lwere
There has been much talk of a perceived slowdown in BRI lending, but African leaders are still looking to China to advance development goals.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Latest China-Africa Leaders Dialogue: What Has Changed?

The Latest China-Africa Leaders Dialogue: What Has Changed?

By Ovigwe Eguegu and Hannah Ryder
A brief meeting on the sidelines of the BRICS summit was the first chance for many African leaders to speak with Xi Jinping since the pandemic began.

What Will African Leaders Seek to Gain From Welcoming China’s New Foreign Minister?

What Will African Leaders Seek to Gain From Welcoming China’s New Foreign Minister?

By Yixin Yu and Charlie Zong
A look at the priorities the AU, Ethiopia, Gabon, Angola, Benin, and Egypt have for their relationships with China.
China-US Competition Seems to be Working for Africa 

China-US Competition Seems to be Working for Africa 

By Chensi Li and Sena Voncujovi
But African leaders will need to keep working to reap the full benefits.

Don’t Overlook Xi Jinping’s Meeting With Senegal’s President

Don’t Overlook Xi Jinping’s Meeting With Senegal’s President

By Shannon Tiezzi
The summit on the sidelines of the G-20 drove home the convergence of interests between China and the African Union.

What’s at Stake for Africa in China’s 20th Party Congress?

What’s at Stake for Africa in China’s 20th Party Congress?

By Judith Mwai
For African governments, China’s party congress is about more than Xi Jinping.

What Do Chinese People Really Think About Some of China’s Important Partners?

What Do Chinese People Really Think About Some of China’s Important Partners?

By Kristina Kironska, Yiju Chen, and Richard Q. Turcsanyi
A recent survey delves into Chinese perceptions of the U.S., Russia, Japan, Europe, Africa, and Singapore.
The Shanghai Lockdown’s Viral Trend: ‘African Warrior’ Videos

The Shanghai Lockdown’s Viral Trend: ‘African Warrior’ Videos

By Asen Velinov
A viral lockdown trend illustrates some of China’s attitudes to international relations and people-to-people diplomacy – including persistent stereotypes.

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