
China Africa

China-US Competition Seems to be Working for Africa 

China-US Competition Seems to be Working for Africa 

By Chensi Li and Sena Voncujovi
But African leaders will need to keep working to reap the full benefits.

The Secrets of China’s Economic Statecraft in Africa

The Secrets of China’s Economic Statecraft in Africa

By Anzetse Were
Beijing has succeeded by responding to African governments' precise needs, against a backdrop of lingering mistrust of the West.
What Do the US and China Want From Africa?

What Do the US and China Want From Africa?

By Bob Wekesa
As the Biden administration starts a rumored review of U.S. Africa policy, the China factor will feature prominently.

China’s Ambitions Generating Global Pushback – Though Unevenly, Scholar Argues

China’s Ambitions Generating Global Pushback – Though Unevenly, Scholar Argues

By Abhijnan Rej
“America’s most strident decouplers are no longer in the White House, but China’s own are still hard at work,” Luke Patey warned The Diplomat.

Amid US Crisis, Chinese Foreign Minister Embarks on Southeast Asia Tour

Amid US Crisis, Chinese Foreign Minister Embarks on Southeast Asia Tour

By Sebastian Strangio
Since October, China's top diplomat has visited every Southeast Asian nation bar Vietnam.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

US Defense Secretary Visits Northern Africa Amid Russian and Chinese Push in the Region

US Defense Secretary Visits Northern Africa Amid Russian and Chinese Push in the Region

By Abhijnan Rej
Esper’s visit to Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco demonstrates the importance of the region in great-power games.

China Officially Sets Up Its First Overseas Base in Djibouti

China Officially Sets Up Its First Overseas Base in Djibouti

By Charlotte Gao
China sends military personnel to its new base, designed to support Chinese missions in Africa and the Middle East.
China and Africa's Illegal Fishing Problem

China and Africa's Illegal Fishing Problem

By Anthony Kleven
Beijing has an opportunity to be part of the solution.

Is China's Maritime Silk Road A Military Strategy?

Is China's Maritime Silk Road A Military Strategy?

By Anthony Kleven
The initiative may have a strong military dimension too.

No Strings Attached? Evaluating China’s Trade Relations Abroad

No Strings Attached? Evaluating China’s Trade Relations Abroad

China’s trade clout with the developing world may be influencing foreign policy issues.

Wednesday Round Up – The Web’s Best on China

Wednesday Round Up – The Web’s Best on China

Looking for the best articles on China from around the net? We have you covered.

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