
China artificial islands South China Sea

Why Doesn’t China Deploy Fighter Jets to the Spratly Islands?

Why Doesn’t China Deploy Fighter Jets to the Spratly Islands?

By Ian Storey
Is Beijing merely trying to avoid provocation, or is there a more serious problem with its artificial island bases in the South China Sea?

China’s Next Phase of Militarization in the South China Sea

China’s Next Phase of Militarization in the South China Sea

By Scott N. Romaniuk and Tobias Burgers
Beijing is now consolidating its gains in the region – and its control.
China's Island Build-Up: The View From Space

China's Island Build-Up: The View From Space

By SpaceKnow
Satellite images reveal the scope of China's expanded presence.

Leveraging US Military Power in South China Sea

Leveraging US Military Power in South China Sea

By Steven Stashwick
The U.S. should leverage the prospect of new military balancing capabilities to establish an accommodation with China in the South China Sea.

Ambiguous Trump Policies Might Accelerate China’s Militarization in the South China Sea

Ambiguous Trump Policies Might Accelerate China’s Militarization in the South China Sea

By Steven Stashwick
China could use threats to block its Spratly bases to bolster their military capabilities.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Crying Wolf? Contrary to Reports, No Dredges at Scarborough Shoal Yet

Crying Wolf? Contrary to Reports, No Dredges at Scarborough Shoal Yet

By Steven Stashwick
Images show Chinese Maritime Militia, not Barges, but Filipino Fishermen still blocked from Shoal.

South China Sea Ruling: China Caused 'Irreparable Harm' to Environment

South China Sea Ruling: China Caused 'Irreparable Harm' to Environment

By Shannon Tiezzi
The arbitral tribunal rules that significant environmental damage has been done -- and China is to blame.
China Unveils New South China Sea Lighthouse on Subi Reef

China Unveils New South China Sea Lighthouse on Subi Reef

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beijing holds a “completion ceremony” for a lighthouse on one of its artificial islands.

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