
China-Australia relations

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China Slaps 200 Percent Tax on Australia Wine Amid Tensions

China Slaps 200 Percent Tax on Australia Wine Amid Tensions

By Associated Press
Wine joins beef, coal, barley, seafood, sugar and timber on the list of goods impacted by growing tensions between Australia and China.
Australia and China: It’s Complicated

Australia and China: It’s Complicated

By Katie Howe
Even amid the current tensions, the state of the relationship is more complex than headlines would suggest.

Continued Deterioration in Australia-China Relations Fuels Talk of Olympic Boycott

Continued Deterioration in Australia-China Relations Fuels Talk of Olympic Boycott

By Philip Citowicki
China's economic coercion against Australia is lending fuel to calls for a boycott of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

China-Australia Relations Continue Their Downward Spiral

China-Australia Relations Continue Their Downward Spiral

By Eleanor Albert
China is ramping up economic pressure on Australia as overall ties continue to sour.

China’s Trade Offensive Against Australia Continues with Ban on Wheat Imports

China’s Trade Offensive Against Australia Continues with Ban on Wheat Imports

By Abhijnan Rej
Wheat joins a long list of commodities whose imports from Australia have been effectively banned by China as it flexes its geoeconomic muscle.
Public Sentiment Toward Australia Shifts in China

Public Sentiment Toward Australia Shifts in China

By Dan Hu
A recent survey notes some important changes in how urban, educated Chinese view Australia.

China’s Tariffs on Australian Barley: Coercion, Protectionism, or Both?  

China’s Tariffs on Australian Barley: Coercion, Protectionism, or Both?  

By Scott Waldron
The Chinese anti-dumping tariffs on Australian barley have been widely interpreted as revenge for Australia’s call for a COVID-19 investigation. But there are other factors at play.
Australian World Health Assembly Effort to Promote Inquiry on COVID-19 Origins Wins Wide Support

Australian World Health Assembly Effort to Promote Inquiry on COVID-19 Origins Wins Wide Support

By Ankit Panda
More than 100 countries have supported the Australian draft resolution calling for an impartial, international inquiry.

Australia and China Trade Blows Over Calls for a Coronavirus Inquiry

Australia and China Trade Blows Over Calls for a Coronavirus Inquiry

By Joshua Kucera
The contention over a COVID-19 inquiry follows months of deteriorating relations between Canberra and Beijing.

China Advances Case Against Australian Academic Yang Hengjun

China Advances Case Against Australian Academic Yang Hengjun

By Grant Wyeth
Beijing accuses Yang of espionage; Australia says he wasn’t a spy.

What Australian Media Gets Wrong About China

What Australian Media Gets Wrong About China

By Yuan Jiang
In 2019, China’s image in Australian media outlets took a noticeable turn for the worse.
China’s ’Hostage Diplomacy’ Cannot Be Allowed to Stand

China’s ’Hostage Diplomacy’ Cannot Be Allowed to Stand

By Ankit Panda
Michael Kovrig, Michael Spavor, and Yang Hengjun must be freed.

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