China Belt and Road

China’s Belt and Road and Its Alternatives: Competing or Complementary?
By Zenel Garcia
Promoting various economic corridors as “alternatives” to the BRI misses the mark, for three reasons.

Don’t Count on China’s Belt and Road Initiative to Disappear
By Jacob Gunter
The BRI is not set to fade away. It has already changed China’s position in the world, and it will continue to do so moving forward.

China Holds Slimmed-Down Belt and Road Conference
By Shannon Tiezzi
At least 29 countries attended China's virtual “Asia and Pacific High-level Conference on Belt and Road Cooperation.”

The Continuing Mystery of the Belt and Road
By Yuan Jiang
There are still competing theories and explanations of what China's signature foreign policy platform actually means.

China Is Weaponizing the Belt and Road. What Can the US Do About It?
By Daniel Russel and Samuel Locklear
The BRI-driven trend toward a Chinese sphere of influence is neither inevitable nor irreversible.

How China’s Belt and Road Initiative Went Astray
By Chan Kung and Yu (Tony) Pan
In taking on geopolitical overtones, the BRI has become alienated from its original economic purpose.

China’s Influence Operations in Asia: Minding the Open Door Challenge
By Prashanth Parameswaran
While attention to Beijing’s conduct is important, addressing the permissive conditions that create an enabling environment for its activities should remain front and center.

China’s Belt and Road Debate
By Antara Ghosal Singh
Even as world leaders converge on Beijing for the Belt and Road Forum, some in China are calling for a slow-and-steady approach.

The Belt and Road: The Good, the Bad, and the Mixed
By Angela Tritto and Alvin Camba
Demystifying China’s Belt and Road Initiative through 3 case studies.

China’s Belt and Road: A Reality Check
By Richard Boucher
The Belt and Road makes China a player, but not the biggest nor the most dominant, in the game of international finance.

Demystifying Debt Along China’s New Silk Road
By Sophie van der Meer
Is Beijing really seeking to buy political influence abroad?

A China Bailout in Malaysia's 1MDB Scandal?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at mounting evidence about an alleged deal between China and the former Malaysian government and its wider significance for ties.
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