
China-CELAC Forum

China is Untangling the Latin American Spaghetti Bowl

China is Untangling the Latin American Spaghetti Bowl

By Adam Ratzlaff
China’s multipronged and innovative approach to engaging regional organizations in the Americas has permitted Beijing to expand its presence across the region.

What China’s Global Security Initiative Tells Us About Its Strategic Engagement with Latin America

What China’s Global Security Initiative Tells Us About Its Strategic Engagement with Latin America

By R. Evan Ellis
The GSI speaks repeatedly of China’s interest in involving itself in new mechanisms for “governance” of both traditional and non-traditional security at the global scale.
China Says Latin America 'Eager' to Join Belt and Road

China Says Latin America 'Eager' to Join Belt and Road

By Charlotte Gao
China invites Latin American and Caribbean states to join the Belt and Road Initiative.

China Is Watching as US Seeks to Smooth Ties With Latin America

China Is Watching as US Seeks to Smooth Ties With Latin America

By Shannon Tiezzi
Chinese media are keeping a close eye on the OAS summit in Panama.

Why China Shouldn't Get Too Invested in Latin America

Why China Shouldn't Get Too Invested in Latin America

By Xue Li and Xu Yanzhuo
China is increasing engagement with Latin America, but the relationship's potential remains limited.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Despite US-Cuba Detente, China Forges Ahead in Latin America

Despite US-Cuba Detente, China Forges Ahead in Latin America

By Shannon Tiezzi
At the inaugural China-CELAC forum, Beijing seeks a new role in Latin America even as the U.S. makes its own moves.

Xi Jinping Heads to South America

Xi Jinping Heads to South America

By Shannon Tiezzi
After the BRICS summit in Brazil, Xi will travel to Argentina, Venezuela, and Cuba.
China's Foreign Minister Tours Latin America

China's Foreign Minister Tours Latin America

By Shannon Tiezzi
Wang Yi stopped in Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, and Brazil to pave the way for Xi Jinping's July visit.

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