China censorship

The Coming Political Restrictions on Chinese Outbound Travel
By Xiaochen Su
Hand-wringing over targeted tourist restrictions miss the larger point: the Chinese overseas tourism boom is about to fall victim to domestic political concerns.

US Sports Stakes in China: Deals Vs. Democracy
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Andrew Brandt.

China’s Internet Freedom Hit a New Low in 2019, and the World Could Follow
By Sarah Cook and Mai Truong
No user or platform is safe from the leadership’s insatiable appetite for ideological conformity.

Damnatio Memoriae in China: Zhao Ziyang Is Laid to Rest
By Bonnie Girard
Zhao was written out of Chinese history for showing sympathy to the Tiananmen protesters. The indignity continued even after his death.

The China-NBA Tempest in a Teacup
By Jansen Tham
The NBA-China spat is just the latest indication of a longstanding (and growing) problem.

China’s Long, Hot Summer of Censorship
By Sarah Cook
June has been a terrible month for internet freedom in China. July may be even worse.

What China Is Saying About the Hong Kong Protests
By Shannon Tiezzi
In the upside-down world of Chinese state media, the extradition bill is actually supported by most Hong Kongers.

The Remarkable Survival of Free Thought and Activism in China
By Sarah Cook
The regime’s repressive efforts are increasing, but they are also failing in important ways.

China’s GMO Paradox
By Eugene K. Chow
For all its power, the Chinese government can’t get people to trust genetically modified crops.

Worried About Huawei? Take a Closer Look at Tencent
By Sarah Cook
The Chinese social media giant is a growing global force, and it does the bidding of the Communist Party.

How ‘Three Billboards’ Inspired China’s Gay Rights Activists
By Kyle Mullin
Trucks painted with slogans – mobile billboards – are the center of a campaign against homosexual conversion therapy.

China Slams George Soros for Calling Xi Jinping ‘Most Dangerous Opponent of Open Societies’
By Charlotte Gao
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, billionaire George Soros says China is a “mortal threat to open societies.”