China censorship
Want to Be Chief Editor in China? Better Have A Chinese Passport.
By DD Wu
China issues new rules on managing online information, further regulating its already highly-censored internet.
China Vs. Taiwan's Academic Freedom
By Pei-Yu Wei
Taiwanese universities come under pressure to sign a "one China" pledge.
China's Human Rights Crackdown: A Global Problem
By Benedict Rogers
“This is about China actively extending its control beyond its borders."
The Obstacles to China's Bid for Soft Power
By John Ford
China’s president wants to be seen as leading the defense of globalization, but this will be easier said than done.
US-China Frictions in Film: Hollywood With Chinese Characteristics
By David Gitter and Elsa Kania
China's film policies are a window into its broader view of cultural products.
Willing Proxies Give China’s Censors a Global Reach
By Sarah Cook
"Private citizens and nongovernmental institutions are playing a growing role in advancing Beijing’s agenda."
The Death of a Liberal Chinese Magazine
By Verna Yu
A hostile takeover by a state institution forces the closure of the reform-minded Yanhuang Chunqiu.
China Cracks Down on 'Harmful' Speech
By Cal Wong
Another blow for free speech in China.
Missing Hong Kong Booksellers Case Unravels
By Cal Wong
A startling tell-all press conference by one of the disappeared booksellers sparks protests in Hong Kong.
China’s Greatest Weapon: Chinese Consumers
By Kerry Brown
The case of Lancôme and the politicization of China's vast market.
China's Innovation Dream: Mission Impossible?
By David Gitter
Chinese innovation will be stifled by political limits and censorship, unless the Party is willing to make a change.
China FM’s Reprimanding of Canadian Journalist the Tip of the Iceberg
By Peter Bittner
The incident is a sign of China's larger issues with journalists -- and press freedom is only getting worse.