
China climate change

How Will China React to Donald Trump’s Second Term?

How Will China React to Donald Trump’s Second Term?

By Brian Wong
Parsing Trump’s China policy – and China’s likely response. 
China’s Energy Intensity and Carbon Intensity Targets Are All But Unachievable

China’s Energy Intensity and Carbon Intensity Targets Are All But Unachievable

By Rakshith Shetty
China is far behind on its international commitments for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions per unit of GDP.

The Political Calculus Behind Xi Jinping’s Emphasis on Climate Leadership

The Political Calculus Behind Xi Jinping’s Emphasis on Climate Leadership

By Bin Gu and Jonghyuk Lee
Under Xi, China has embraced green diplomacy as part of its global ambitions.

Why Food Security is a Top Priority for China

Why Food Security is a Top Priority for China

By Genevieve Donnellon-May
As the world’s largest food producer and importer, changes in China’s domestic food production and agricultural trade policies may have a significant impact on global trade flows.

How China-Russia Relations Are Impacting COP28

How China-Russia Relations Are Impacting COP28

By Daria Kurushina
Will China cut fossil fuels – a key part of its partnership with Russia – in favor of the new climate milestone?
Newsom’s Big Test: China, Climate, and Human Rights

Newsom’s Big Test: China, Climate, and Human Rights

By Brad Adams
The California governor can and should address human rights – such as free speech, peaceful protest, and participation in public affairs – as part of his discussions on climate change.

Centering Climate Change in the China-US Competition

Centering Climate Change in the China-US Competition

By Matt Holbrook
Climate change in the Indo-Pacific will have a very real impact on the outcome of any potential great power conflict within the region.
Social Class Is the Silent Killer in Beijing’s Heatwaves

Social Class Is the Silent Killer in Beijing’s Heatwaves

By Li Zhao
The urban poor living away from the city center are the most likely to suffer under extreme heat – and also the ones most likely to face it.

China’s Climate Diplomacy Surge 

China’s Climate Diplomacy Surge 

By Chris Qihan Zou
As climate change emerges as a key focus in some of China’s recent diplomatic initiatives, there are opportunities for the U.S. to enhance its own climate diplomacy efforts. 

China’s 3 Pathways to Green Steel

China’s 3 Pathways to Green Steel

By Chin Hsueh
China’s steel industry is a crucial part of its decarbonization efforts – and thus the fate of the global fight against climate change. 

China and the Long Game on Climate

China and the Long Game on Climate

By Marina Kaneti
The seeds for China’s current climate change strategy – for better or for worse – were laid with the Kyoto Protocol 25 years ago.
Can China and the US Cooperate on Climate Change?

Can China and the US Cooperate on Climate Change?

By Nima Khorrami
The China-U.S. technology rivalry will severely hinder the prospect of a common Sino-American approach to climate change.

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