China cybersecurity

Why the China-US Cyber Agreement May Prove Destructive
By Greg Austin
No easy solutions in U.S.–China cyber security.

China's President Woos (and Reassures) US Business Leaders
By Shannon Tiezzi
At a meeting with U.S. and Chinese CEOs, Xi addressed fears that U.S. companies are no longer welcome in China.

Interview: Understanding China’s Cyber Challenge
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Dean Cheng on China’s cyber capabilities and the threat they pose to the United States.

How the US Is Trying to Shape Norms in Cyberspace
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Washington appears to be serious about upholding the distinction between commercial versus traditional cyber espionage.

China: Active Defense in the Cyber Domain
By Elsa Kania
What implications does China’s new defense white paper have for its cyber strategy?

What the US Gets Wrong About Chinese Cyberespionage
By Greg Austin
Is it government policy in China to pass on commercial secrets obtained via cyberespionage to civil sector firms?

Chinese Military Declares the Internet an Ideological ‘Battleground’
By Shannon Tiezzi
Could the PLA's idea of an online "ideological struggle" lead to a cyber war?
Revealed: China Spies on India and ASEAN Member States
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report details cyberattacks of a sophisticated group of hackers with alleged ties to the Chinese government.

Taiwan: A Useful Ally Against China's Cyber Warriors?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Taiwan could be a useful partner in countering Chinese hackers, says the country's vice premier.

US Claims Victory in Debate Over Chinese Terror Law
By Shannon Tiezzi
A White House official claims China has tabled a controversial anti-terrorism law.

New Snowden Documents Reveal Chinese Behind F-35 Hack
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Experts have long argued that China has copied the F-35 design for its own fighter jets. Is this the proof?

China Ignores US Call for Cooperation on North Korean Cyber Attacks
By Shannon Tiezzi
China and the U.S. remain far apart when it comes to cyber issues.