
China dams

China’s Super Hydropower Dam and Fears of Sino-Indian Water Wars

China’s Super Hydropower Dam and Fears of Sino-Indian Water Wars

By Genevieve Donnellon-May
The already-fraught relationship between China and India is becoming even more tense over Beijing’s plans to build a “super hydropower dam” in Tibet. 

Are ‘Water Wars’ Coming to Asia?

Are ‘Water Wars’ Coming to Asia?

By Genevieve Donnellon-May
Climate change-induced water loss in the Tibetan Plateau further challenges water security from Central to Southeast Asia.
The Chinese Threat to Lower Brahmaputra Riparians India and Bangladesh 

The Chinese Threat to Lower Brahmaputra Riparians India and Bangladesh 

By Jaideep Saikia
The plan to divert the waters of Brahmaputra would affect over 140 million people who are dependent on the river.

Chinese Hydropower Project in Argentina Is Stuck in Limbo

Chinese Hydropower Project in Argentina Is Stuck in Limbo

By Juan Manuel Harán
Suspended financing has put a joint project to build dams in Patagonia on hold. The two sides need to act quickly to resolve the issue.

What Chinese Dams in Laos Tell Us About the Belt and Road Initiative

What Chinese Dams in Laos Tell Us About the Belt and Road Initiative

By Phillip Guerreiro
Analyzing Chinese dams in Laos provides insight into the local origins and drivers of the BRI, particularly along China’s borderland regions.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Mekong River Commission Calls for Improved Hydropower Data Sharing

Mekong River Commission Calls for Improved Hydropower Data Sharing

By Sebastian Strangio
The past two years have seen water levels on the lower Mekong rise and full unpredictably.

4 Dams on the Upper Mekong in Yunnan, China: 2011-2019

4 Dams on the Upper Mekong in Yunnan, China: 2011-2019

By Scott Ezell
Firsthand glimpses of how dam construction changed the river over the course of eight years.
China’s Dam Building Is a Security Risk for India’s Northeast

China’s Dam Building Is a Security Risk for India’s Northeast

By Amitava Mukherjee
If a new hydropower project at the Brahmaputra’s Great Bend comes about, northeastern India will have to go to sleep with the possibility of breach of mammoth sized water reservoirs over its head at any time.

Mekong Takes on Bluish Tinge as Water Levels Again Fall

Mekong Takes on Bluish Tinge as Water Levels Again Fall

By Sebastian Strangio
The fall in water levels has again raised questions about the activities of Chinese dam engineers upstream.

China Belatedly Notifies Mekong Nations of River Disruption

China Belatedly Notifies Mekong Nations of River Disruption

By Sebastian Strangio
The notification came several days after locals in Thailand detected a one-meter drop in the river's level.

Mekong Levels Reportedly Plummet Due to Chinese Dam Activity

Mekong Levels Reportedly Plummet Due to Chinese Dam Activity

By Sebastian Strangio
The level of the river in northern Thailand reportedly dropped by more than a meter in 48 hours.
New Monitoring Platform to Scrutinize China’s Mekong Dams

New Monitoring Platform to Scrutinize China’s Mekong Dams

By Sebastian Strangio
The launch comes amid rising controversy over the impact of Chinese dams on downstream nations.

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