China defense white paper 2015

China: Active Defense in the Cyber Domain
By Elsa Kania
What implications does China’s new defense white paper have for its cyber strategy?

The Big Story Behind China’s New Military Strategy
By Alexander Sullivan and Andrew S. Erickson
China is becoming “more willing and able” to stake and defend its interests overseas.

China's Military Dream
By Greg Austin
The newest element in military strategy in China's most recent defense white paper is the emphasis on cyber power.

Strategic Warning and China’s Nuclear Posture
By Tong Zhao
What the 2015 Defense White Paper tells us about China’s nuclear policy.

In New White Paper, China's Military Embraces Global Mission
By Shannon Tiezzi
China envisions a global role for its military --especially its navy -- to protect overseas interests.

China to Embrace New 'Active Defense' Strategy
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new defense white paper outlines Beijing's growing military capabilities and strategic outlook.
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