China democracy

Watching Taiwan’s Free Elections, Chinese Internet Users Lament One-Party Rule
By Yaqiu Wang
Quickly censored comments reveal a bitter rejection of Beijing’s official line on the Taiwanese balloting.

Xu Zhiyong and the Mighty Pen
By Angeli Datt
Chinese writer and activist Xu Zhiyong was sentenced to 14 years in prison for writing and advocating for a “A Beautiful China.”

Can the Social Media and Poster Campaign Against Xi Jinping Make a Difference?
By Chauncey Jung
The new wave of dissent could start a new path for Chinese political dissidents.

The Rise and Fall of Democracy With Chinese Characteristics
By Zhuoran Li
Despite Beijing’s recent attempts to sell its own version of democracy, China’s “consultative democracy” has been on a downslide since Xi came to power.

Why Is China Insisting It Is a Democracy?
By Brian Wong
The attempt to frame an alternative model of democracy highlights a shift in the CCP’s quest for legitimacy.

China Is Already Using the Storming of the US Capitol for Propaganda
By Shannon Tiezzi
Early statements, both official and on Twitter, reveal how the violence in Washington D.C. will benefit China.

Are Southeast Asia’s Anti-China Nationalists Democrats?
By David Hutt
Taking anti-China positions is easy for politicians in opposition. Things get more complicated once they take office.

Exploring China’s New Narrative on Democracy
By Jo Kim
Amid growing concerns about its governance, China's leadership is attempting to emphasize its own brand of democracy with “Chinese characteristics.”

Tiananmen 1989: Lessons for Today
By Christopher Bodeen and Johnson Lai
Tiananmen veterans look back on the movement’s relevance in 21st century China.

30 Years After Tiananmen: Hong Kong Remembers
By Benny Tai
An organizer of the 2014 Occupy Central protest explains how Hong Kong keeps the spirit of Chinese democracy alive.

Wife of Australian Writer Detained in China Sends Petitions to Xi
By Charlotte Gao
Yang Hengjun has been detained for three-plus months without access to lawyers or family.

China’s P2P Protests, the United States, and the International Liberal-Democratic Order
By E. John Gregory
Given the CCP’s efforts to reshape the world, it is important to understand what liberal democracy can offer ordinary Chinese.
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