China distant water fishing fleet

Facing up to China’s Hybrid Warfare in the Pacific
By Anne-Marie Brady
The China Coast Guard is expanding its reach in the Pacific, part of a broader campaign to increase Beijing’s security role in the region.

The Asia-Pacific Holds the Key to Tackling Overfishing
By Christine McDaniel
The world can secure its fisheries, but much of Asia still needs to get on board with WTO rules on fishing subsidies.

China and the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean
By Nengye Liu
A brief history of China's engagement in a landmark environmental protection instrument for the Arctic.

The Bitter Aftertaste of China’s Hunger for South American Food
By Agostina Blengino and Jordy Pasa
China’s quest for food security is exacerbating environmental crises like deforestation and overfishing in South American countries.

Chinese Fishing Near North Korea Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem
By Jenny Town and Sally Yozell
The Chinese government has been both lenient on North Korea sanctions and reluctant to tackle illegal fishing by its distant water fleet.
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