
China economic coercion

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China-Australia Relations Continue Their Downward Spiral

China-Australia Relations Continue Their Downward Spiral

By Eleanor Albert
China is ramping up economic pressure on Australia as overall ties continue to sour.
How China and the US Threaten the World Trading System

How China and the US Threaten the World Trading System

By Yukon Huang and Jeremy Smith
The world’s two biggest economies are also the biggest threats to the global trading system.

The World Is Awakening to China’s Sharp Power

The World Is Awakening to China’s Sharp Power

By Simon Shen
China's sharp power first began to be displayed in Hong Kong. Now it is seen all over the world.

China Confronts Major Risk of Debt Crisis on the Belt and Road Due to Pandemic

China Confronts Major Risk of Debt Crisis on the Belt and Road Due to Pandemic

By Nick Crawford and David Gordon
Debt distress along the Belt and Road will be a serious threat to China’s own financial sustainability and to the operations of Chinese companies overseas.

China Tries to Put Sweden on Ice

China Tries to Put Sweden on Ice

By Jojje Olsson
Relations between China and Sweden have taken a nosedive with threats, trade restrictions, and the indictment of an ambassador.
Did South Korea’s Three Noes Matter? Not So Much.

Did South Korea’s Three Noes Matter? Not So Much.

By Troy Stangarone
Assessing the impact of the 2017 agreement to end China’s economic coercion over THAAD.

China’s Surreptitious Economic Influence on Taiwan’s Elections

China’s Surreptitious Economic Influence on Taiwan’s Elections

By Jason Li
Taiwan’s November elections weren’t directly about cross-strait relations, but that doesn’t mean China had no impact.
The US Senate Considers China's Economic Coercion  

The US Senate Considers China's Economic Coercion  

By Bonnie Girard
One rare area of bipartisan agreement is over the threat of Chinese predatory practices.

Are China and Australia at a Breaking Point?

Are China and Australia at a Breaking Point?

By Merriden Varrall
The bilateral relationship is at a low point. Just how bad will things get?

Shaun Rein on the 'War for China's Wallet'

Shaun Rein on the 'War for China's Wallet'

By Shannon Tiezzi

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