China education

Gaokao in the Time of COVID-19
By Kate Kologrivaya and Emma Shleifer
Debate over the decision to postpone China’s college entrance exam crystallizes deeper problems with educational inequality.

Quarantined: China’s Online Education in the Pandemic
By Kate Kologrivaya and Emma Shleifer
With schools closed across the country to combat COVID-19, China has turned to online learning. The results have been mixed.

China’s Schools, Forced Online By Coronavirus, Run Into Censors
By Associated Press
With schools closed indefinitely, teachers are giving lectures online – where they risk abrupt and often unexplained censorship.

Patriotic Shift for China’s ‘First Class of School’ TV Program
By Kendra Brock
This year’s show opened with video of the Chinese flag being raised across the country.

The Chinese Communist Party’s Latest Propaganda Target: Young Minds
By Sarah Cook
Indoctrination, censorship, and surveillance are robbing a generation of their right to free thought.

Liu Yadong, Mr. Science, and China’s Shaky Modernity
By Trym Aleksander Eiterjord
The editor of a state-affiliated magazine laments the lack of “scientific spirit” in Chinese society.

In Pursuit of Global Know-how: China’s New Area Studies Policy
By Margaret Myers and Ricardo Barrios
Beijing is making a concerted push to foster expertise on foreign regions and countries.

China’s Education Boom
By Dmitriy Frolovskiy
China's universities are experiencing astonishing growth, and the government hopes for even more.

Can Test-Obsessed China Change?
By Adam Tyner
A look at three paths for Chinese education reform.

New Chinese Textbooks: Now With More 'Socialist Core Values'
By Charlotte Gao
The Chinese Ministry of Education revised national liberal arts textbooks to cultivate love for the Communist Party.

Why Does a Top Scientist’s Move to US Strike a Nerve in China?
By DD Wu
A leading biologist of Tsinghua University took up professorship at Princeton and it triggered a national debate.

Why Did China Just Hear One More Mao-Era Phrase?
By DD Wu
China’s education minister said Chinese educators should cultivate reliable red and expert successors.