
Europe Goes to China, Seeking Recalibration Amid Challenges
By Duncan Bartlett
French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are the latest European arrivals in Beijing. Their views on China are similar, but not in complete alignment.

EU Hedges Its Bets by Turning to a Difficult India
By Mohamed Zeeshan
To be a viable economic alternative to China in the long run, India needs to achieve sustained growth, build an export base, and ensure social harmony and political stability.

China’s Ambitions Generating Global Pushback – Though Unevenly, Scholar Argues
By Abhijnan Rej
“America’s most strident decouplers are no longer in the White House, but China’s own are still hard at work,” Luke Patey warned The Diplomat.

German Defense Minister Continues Her Indo-Pacific Campaign
By Abhijnan Rej
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer imagines a larger role for her country in the region, though in prudent terms.

China Isn’t Losing Europe Yet
By Michito Tsuruoka
Despite Beijing’s series of missteps, the real battle for influence has barely begun.

Are the Gloves Coming Off in China-Germany Economic Relations?
By Björn Alexander Düben
As Germany shifts its China approach, Huawei is in the crosshairs.

Europe's Divided Approach to China and Human Rights
By Björn Jerdén and Tim Rühlig
EU countries adopt widely divergent stances on human rights issues in their dealings with China.

A New G2: China and the EU?
By Andrei Lungu
In light of Washington's wavering, Brussels and Beijing have an opportunity.

China’s Charm Offensive: Beijing Draws Closer to Brussels
By Valentina Crivăț
The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, was in Beijing last week.
The China-EU Trade Spat
At a time when neither side can afford it, this year is likely to be a turbulent one for China-EU trade.
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