China foreign investment law

China’s 24-Point Strategy to Attract Foreign Investment: Too Little, Too Late?
By Allison Lapehn
The policy recalls past attempts to boost investor confidence, which fell far short of expectations.

What’s Missing in China’s Foreign Investment Law?
By Maurits Elen
‘‘The law and its implementing regulation still lack implementation details on how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors.’’

To Entice Foreign Firms, China Needs to Do More Than Show Good Intentions
By Zijia He and Amy Qingyi Xie
Facing a slowing economy, Beijing is struggling to boost the market confidence of the international business community.

The Missed Opportunity in China’s Foreign Investment Law
By Pär Nyrén
China’s system for security screening of foreign investments is still veiled in secrecy.

Yukon Huang on China's Foreign Investment Law and US-China Trade Friction
By Shannon Tiezzi
Huang discusses the prospects for continued economic reform in China and the outlook for a US-China trade deal.
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