China foreign policy
China’s Poor Global Image Is Undermining Its Strategic Goals
By Joshua Kurlantzick
From Europe and North America to the Global South, trust in Beijing has rapidly deteriorated over the past few years.
Chinese FM Pledges Progress on South China Sea Code of Conduct
By Sebastian Strangio
In Malaysia, the last stop on his five-nation tour of Southeast Asia, Wang Yi said that "no one can separate" China and the nations of Southeast Asia.
How Engaged Was China at the Shangri-La Dialogue?
By Mark S. Cogan
At this year's Dialogue, Chinese officials were strident and defensive – but it's better to have Beijing in than out.
China’s Charm Offensive in Indonesia and the Implications for Japan
By Yamazaki Amane and Hanada Ryosuke
Beijing's wooing of Southeast Asia's largest nation counsels a renewed focus on maritime Southeast Asia from Tokyo.
What China Gets Wrong About Southeast Asia
By Arrizal Jaknanihan
Despite its economic centrality to the region, Beijing continues to elicit significant levels of mistrust.
Understanding the Extent (and Limits) of Chinese Public Support for Russia
By Brian Wong
The Chinese public is overwhelmingly on Russia's side amid the invasion of Ukraine, but there is little appetite for China to play an active role.
Putting Practice Into Theory: China’s IR Scholars Enter the Limelight
By Joseph Cash
Chinese academics are ushering in a new school of thought concerning China’s role in international affairs – one that is particularly attractive to the developing world.
Ukraine and the Implications for China
Xi Jinping may need to rethink his grand design for a new world order.
China Cannot Condone Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine
By Lunting Wu
China’s attitude toward the Ukraine war stems from functional calculations, diplomatic and military bonds with Kyiv, strategic considerations, and normative reflection.
Why China Will Not Support a Russian Invasion of Ukraine
By Mu Chunshan
The reputational cost – both on the international stage and with the Chinese people – would be great if Beijing threw its support behind Russian aggression.
How Realpolitik 2.0 Can Prevent a Global Conflict
By Liam Gibson and Erich Elkins
Proponents of a rules-based order can learn much from the pragmatic policies pursued by West German leaders during the Cold War.
Fuzzy Logic: China’s Second Order Foreign Policy
By Joseph Cash
China’s foreign policy specialists are struggling to satisfactorily explain China’s rise or how it is likely to behave as a prominent global leader.