
China global influence

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Which Countries Support the New Hong Kong National Security Law?

Which Countries Support the New Hong Kong National Security Law?

By Eleanor Albert
China rallied 53 countries to back the controversial law amid strong opposition from other governments.
Watch China’s Unconventional Levers of Power in World Affairs

Watch China’s Unconventional Levers of Power in World Affairs

By Robert Sutter
Unconventional – and often overlooked – practices form a key part of China’s international influence.

Parliamentarians From Around the World Unite to Discuss the China Challenge

Parliamentarians From Around the World Unite to Discuss the China Challenge

By Benedict Rogers
The new Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China provides a forum for legislators to grapple collectively with the questions posed by China’s rise.

‘Stealth War’: How the US Can Counter China’s Takeover Attempts

‘Stealth War’: How the US Can Counter China’s Takeover Attempts

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Robert Spalding.

The Globalization of China’s Media Controls: Key Trends from 2019

The Globalization of China’s Media Controls: Key Trends from 2019

By Sarah Cook
The Chinese Communist Party’s international media influence campaign is expanding rapidly—and so is the world’s response.
China Is Taking Patents Seriously. The World Should Take Notice.

China Is Taking Patents Seriously. The World Should Take Notice.

By Bonnie Girard
China has spent 35 years quietly building a patent system that BRI is now helping to extend.

How Chinese Norms Are Going Global

How Chinese Norms Are Going Global

By Reza Hasmath and Jennifer Y.J. Hsu
From human rights to good governance, Chinese norms are spreading. How should Western governments react?
China May Be More Assertive, But Is It Really Ready to Lead?

China May Be More Assertive, But Is It Really Ready to Lead?

By Lucio Blanco Pitlo III
The time of “hiding and biding” is over, but is China ready for the burdens of global leadership?

Chinese Influence, American Interests

Chinese Influence, American Interests

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Larry Diamond.

The Globalization of China’s Media Controls: Key Trends From 2018

The Globalization of China’s Media Controls: Key Trends From 2018

By Sarah Cook
Five key trends in the Chinese Communist Party’s global media campaign.

China Races to Catch Up on Foreign Affairs Spending 

China Races to Catch Up on Foreign Affairs Spending 

By Markus Herrmann and Sabine Mokry
China’s foreign affairs expenditures, while still far below those of the US or Germany, are growing with unprecedented speed.
When America Stands up to China

When America Stands up to China

By Xie Tao
Trump is acting in line with a growing consensus in Washington: it's time to get tough on China.

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