
China global leadership

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The Political Aims of ‘Xi Jinping Thought’

The Political Aims of ‘Xi Jinping Thought’

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Steve Tsang and Olivia Cheung.
Stop Calling China a ‘Revisionist Power’

Stop Calling China a ‘Revisionist Power’

By Zenel Garcia
To truly understand the impact of China’s global initiatives, we need to stop thinking in a status quo-revisionist binary.

The Ukraine War Is About Who Will Control the Future World Order

The Ukraine War Is About Who Will Control the Future World Order

By Alexandra Vacroux
The war in Ukraine has put the U.S. and China on opposite sides of the conflict. The larger issue here, however, is about who will control the world order of the future.

No One Knows What BRICS Expansion Means 

No One Knows What BRICS Expansion Means 

By Anjali Bhatt
The 11 members of the expanded group have so little in common that it’s tough to decode what their purpose will be.

Can China Really Build a New World Order?

Can China Really Build a New World Order?

By Nicholas Bequelin
If Beijing’s current foreign policy is anything to go by, the most likely outcome of its push to remake global governance is disorder, not a new Chinese world order.
In Global Battle for Hearts and Minds, China and Russia Have Edge Over US

In Global Battle for Hearts and Minds, China and Russia Have Edge Over US

By Dmitriy Nurullayev
Analysis of 30 years of U.N. data reveals that China and Russia have been far more successful in winning support for their positions from the global community.

BRICS: A China-Led Group Looking for Relevance

BRICS: A China-Led Group Looking for Relevance

By Thiago de Aragao
Everything that is being proposed at the BRICS summit is already being done – often more effectively – at the bilateral level by China.
BRICS Is Getting 6 New Members

BRICS Is Getting 6 New Members

By Gerald Imray and Mogomotsi Magome
China has been keen to expand BRICS as a direct counter to the U.S.-led G-7, but other members were more hesitant.

China’s Transition From the Belt and Road to the Global Develop­ment Initiative

China’s Transition From the Belt and Road to the Global Develop­ment Initiative

By Lunting Wu
China is transitioning from one major global project to another. How are they different?

The G7 Wants to Copy China’s Homework. Beijing Is Fine With That.

The G7 Wants to Copy China’s Homework. Beijing Is Fine With That.

By Wang Wen
With the component of realist international competition removed, the G-7 and China actually share many hopes and desires for global development.

TikTok and Beyond: How China’s Ascendancy in Digital Technology Challenges the Global Order 

TikTok and Beyond: How China’s Ascendancy in Digital Technology Challenges the Global Order 

By Marina Yue Zhang
This isn’t just a feud between two great powers; it’s a competition for a new world order in cyberspace.
The Trouble With China’s Global Civilization Initiative 

The Trouble With China’s Global Civilization Initiative 

By R. Evan Ellis 
The GCI is an attempt to win global buy-in for China's principle of non-interference by conflating modern-day regimes with traditional culture.

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