China global power

China: The Shadow Power for a Shadow Age
By Kerry Brown
In an age of illusion, China is among the chief sources of spectacle.

China’s Quest: To Be a Status Super Power
By Kerry Brown
China wants the respect and the space accorded to a superpower, but it doesn’t want the responsibilities.

China's Soft Diplomacy at the Munich Security Conference
By Charlotte Gao
Against the rising tide of “China threat” rhetoric, senior diplomat Fu Ying tries a soft tone.

What Did Chinese People Think of the Belt and Road Forum?
By Merriden Varrall
Geopolitical ramifications aside, the most important audience for the Belt and Road Forum was China's own population.

What Did China Accomplish at the Belt and Road Forum?
By Shannon Tiezzi
China put on an impressive diplomatic show, but had little new to say about its flagship project.

Who Is Actually Attending China's Belt and Road Forum?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Which countries are sending officials to China's big international summit?

China’s Quest to Marginalize the US Hits a North Korea-Sized Snag
By Kerry Brown
China's plan to globally circumvent the U.S. is working. There's just one problem: North Korea.

China's Domestic Debate on Global Governance
By Chen Zheng
What do Chinese scholars and policymakers envision for Beijing's role in the international order?

Why Xi’s Ambition for China Is Good for the World
By Kerry Brown
The world can benefit from Xi's foreign policy ambitions, as long as we stop seeing China's move solely as threats.

The Dangers of 'China-Phobia'
By Jin Kai
Glimpses of a growing "China-phobia" in the international community limit opportunities for real dialogue.

Is China Ready to Be a Global Power?
By Xie Tao
China has the tools of global power, but not the willingness to use them.
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