
China governance

China’s Political Mobilization Challenge

China’s Political Mobilization Challenge

By Josh Freedman
In the face of cadre overwork and citizen apathy, China’s leaders face a mobilizational challenge that raises the costs of achieving their domestic goals.
Xi Jinping’s Quest for Self-governance Without Democracy

Xi Jinping’s Quest for Self-governance Without Democracy

By Jonghyuk Lee
In the quest to ensure local accountability, elections are out; the “Fengqiao Experience” is in. 

How China’s Government Outsources Repression

How China’s Government Outsources Repression

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Lynette H. Ong.

How Is China Doing on ESG Goals?

How Is China Doing on ESG Goals?

By Sara Hsu
Chinese firms are moving in the right direction, but they lag behind Western firms that must follow ESG goals in order to compete.

China and COVID-19: A Central-Local ‘Chess Game’

China and COVID-19: A Central-Local ‘Chess Game’

By Philipp Renninger
Attributing pandemic containment to “Beijing” is both wrong and right – and thus sheds light on China’s central-local governance.
China’s Early COVID-19 Missteps Have an All-Too-Mundane Explanation

China’s Early COVID-19 Missteps Have an All-Too-Mundane Explanation

By Kyle Jaros
How intergovernmental dynamics influenced the coronavirus outbreak in China.

Coronavirus Paranoia May Boost the Chinese Public’s Approval of the Government

Coronavirus Paranoia May Boost the Chinese Public’s Approval of the Government

By Jo Kim
Chinese people largely seem to approve of the central government’s actions and applaud harsh quarantine measures at the local level.
Exploring China’s New Narrative on Democracy

Exploring China’s New Narrative on Democracy

By Jo Kim
Amid growing concerns about its governance, China's leadership is attempting to emphasize its own brand of democracy with “Chinese characteristics.”

China’s ‘New Type of Party System’: A ‘Multiparty’ System for Foreign Consumption?

China’s ‘New Type of Party System’: A ‘Multiparty’ System for Foreign Consumption?

By Julia Bowie and Nathanael Callan
The CCP rebrands China’s political party system for external propaganda.

What Do China’s Democratic Parties Actually Do?

What Do China’s Democratic Parties Actually Do?

By Xiaofeng Wang
The CCP is not China's only political party. Here's a closer look at the role and function of the other eight.

Improving Governance In China

Improving Governance In China

By Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada
The current plenum could be an important milestone for China.
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