China high-tech

The Quest for 5G Technology Dominance: Impact on US National Security
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Brett Simpson.

Why 5G Is the Next Front of US-China Competition
By Jansen Tham
Whoever rules in 5G technology rules the world – or so Beijing and Washington seem to believe.

India Struggles to Compete With China’s Digital Silk Road
By Chan Jia Hao and Deepakshi Rawat
China is making technological inroads into South Asia that will have long-lasting repercussions for India.

How China’s AI Technology Exports Are Seeding Surveillance Societies Globally
By Scott N. Romaniuk & Tobias Burgers
China is exploring technologies that enable high tech state authoritarianism.

Understanding China’s Technological Rise
By Yanfei Li
The three factors underlying China's transformation into a rising technology powerhouse.

China’s Artificial Intelligence Revolution: a Sputnik Moment for the West?
By Kris Hartley
If Western countries wish to compete with China in artificial intelligence, they will need to strengthen their ambition.

Here Come the US-China Tariffs
By Shannon Tiezzi
After months of threats and talks, the U.S. announces tariffs will take effect July 6. China is set to retaliate.

US-China Trade: Future of ICT Governance And Global Security
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from William Plummer.

China's State-Backed Start-up Push
By Arjun Bisen
Can the government create a true start-up ecosystem, or are its efforts only creating a bubble?

Europe Ponders How to Curb China's High-Tech Buying Spree
By Friso Stevens
Struggling to reconcile stark differences, the Commission’s push to level the playing field is unlikely to make a dent.

A Chinese Model for Global Leadership?
By Yanfei Li
China is emerging as a leader in the economic, technological, and social sectors.

How Chinese FDI Will Transform the Global Economy
By Courtney Rickert McCaffrey
Chinese companies are moving abroad, and in doing so will reshape the global economy.